Sunday, 7 March 2010

Drug Half Life and Accurate Drug Testing for Addiction

Every drug has its own unique drug half life which can be used to determine if a person has ingested the substance recently. Whether illicit or legally prescribed, a drugs half life is the amount of time which is required for the trace concentration of a drug within the red blood cells to be reduced by one half. Simply put, a half life is the duration of time it takes for half the amount of a drug to leave the body. Heavy or consistent drug use will increase the half life of the drug while infrequent users will expel the toxins from their body at a faster rate.

Half life of the most commonly abused illicit drugs follows: Regular marijuana users retain a drug half life of 10 days while sporadic users have a THC half life (the active and traceable component in marijuana) of only 2 days. The half life of methamphetamines is 15-20 hours while the drug half life of cocaine is between 1-2 hours.

Half life of the most commonly abused prescription drugs follows: The painkiller opiates, such as Vicodin, hydrocodone, hydrocodeine, oxycontin, Percocet, and oxycodone all have a half life between 4 and 6 hours. Anti-anxiety benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Valium have a half life between 14-18 hours.

Understanding the differences between the half lives of drugs is essential when determining the best method for drug testing. Urinalysis and urine test strips work best for drugs with longer half lives such as marijuana and opiates while hair follicle drug tests will still show traces of drug use amongst quickly expelled drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine. When trying to uncover and stop substance use and abuse, considering the half lives of each drug will enable you to find the most precise drug testing kit for accurate results unique to your situation.



Make Your Body More Flexible and Curvy With the Help of Meridia

Because of an unorganized life style and unhealthy eating habits many people are loosing control over their weight. Crave for hunger when combined with high calorie food is the path leading to obesity. Obesity has now become the formula for disaster. It leads to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and other serious health problems which can have drastic impacts. Apart from determination something more is required to wrestle this conflict of bulge. Nowadays, the pharmaceutical industry has come into the picture of weight loss. Meridia emerges as an effective weight loss drug in the deserted anti-obesity market.

Meridia is also known by the name of reductil. It is the brand name for sibutramine. It is recommended for the people who are seriously obese and not for those who want to loose just a few pounds. Meridia falls in the same class of various other anti-depressants. It works on the chemicals present in the brain. By increasing the levels of serotonin, nor epinephrine, and dopamine in the brain, it decreases the appetite and helps reduce weight. Cautions should be taken while consuming this medicine as meridia has been shown to considerably increase the blood pressure in some patients.

Meridia is available in 15mg and 30 mg. It is usually taken once in a day with a full glass of water. One should avoid taking the medicine during late hours in the day as it may cause insomnia. In case you miss a dose, do not double it. It can affect your health.

Medical studies have proved that meridia when taken with a low-fat diet and regular exercises, helps reduce weight faster. Losing around four pounds during the first month of taking meridia is a good indication.

Before consuming meridia, one should always consult a doctor. Your doctor will be able to judge better whether meridia is suitable for you or not.

Some of the common side-effects associated with the intake of meridia are:

  • Dry mouth

  • Headache

  • Constipation

  • Trouble sleeping

  • High blood pressure

  • Increased heart rate

Meridia is not advisable for people who have heart disease, gallstones, glaucoma, liver disease or kidney disease.

Avoid taking any other medicine during the time you are consuming meridia. It may react with other medicines and result in a condition called serotonin syndrome. Such a condition would require immediate medical attention. The symptoms of serotonin syndrome are anxiety, restlessness, unconsciousness, fever, poor coordination, sweating, weakness etc. Consult your doctor before taking any other weight loss product, anti-depressants, cough suppressants or migraine medicines.

The field of technology has made it easier for you to purchase meridia sitting in any corner of the world. One can purchase it online without having any personal contact with the seller. Just an online form including your personal details and medical history has to be filled up. The pharmacist will ship the medicine in lesser time.

Loosing weight has been made easier and simpler through meridia. Follow your weight loss plan and feel the change in yourself.


Clarence Carter received training as a healthcare scientist. She has been working in the same field and writes informative articles, weight loss being her pet subject. To find Weight Loss Drug, Cheap Diet Pills, Meridia visit


Friday, 5 March 2010

Buy Rimonabant and Knock out Obesity

World’s most renowned health agency WHO after intense research revealed the following facts about obesity.

  • More than 300 millions are suffering from obesity and about 1 billion people are over weight.
  • Obesity is increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain forms of cancer.
  • Increase in consumption of energy rich sugar and fat based food is making the situation worse.

Then the question arises. Why people are not trying to get rid of obesity if it is that much harmful? Answer is that people are trying to reduce obesity with their 100% efforts but unable to get rid of it. Lack of knowledge about how obesity affects their bodies is a major obstacle in their way.

Medical science differentiates human body in different systems namely skeleton system, transportation system, respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, excretory system and reproduction system. Obesity is primarily related with digestive system and nervous system; any imbalance in these two can lead to overweight of the body. Nervous system comprises of brain and nerves, Cannabinoid-1 (CB-1) receptors are also a vital part of it. CB-1 sends the signals of hunger to brain, only after that urge for food is generated in the brain. Any substance which can benignly inhibit the working of CB-1 receptor can erase the problem of obesity.

Recently Sanofi-Aventis of France has launched a drug named Acomplia in the UK anti-obesity drug market which can block working of CB-1 receptor efficiently. This unique job is done by its active constituent Rimonabant. Besides giving a good stature Acomplia can register its marks in improving cardiovascular risk factors such triglyceride, HDL, insulin tolerance and smoking cessation too. The drug not only helps in weight loss but also in maintaining the condition of weight loss. The success rate of Acomplia is quiet high in comparison to many other anti-obesity drugs.

Acomplia is an oral prescription anti-obesity drug. Drugs of this category require necessary doctor’s prescription to start their use. Generally doctors prescribe 20 mg pills of Acomplia. A pill of Acomplia is daily swallowed with one glass of plain water 1 hour before breakfast. Acomplia pills should not be crushed or chewed as this can bring some unwanted changes in the matrix of the drugs.

In any case Acomplia should not be taken by the people with body mass index 27 or below it. The ladies who are planning to conceive should not use Acomplia as its effects on zygote formation and on embryo are not studied thoroughly. Because of somewhat similar reasons, breast feeding mother and pregnant ladies should avoid Acomplia. Acomplia may have some initial and mild side effects like nausea, headache, dizziness, dry mouth and stomach disorder. All these side effects disappear with a continuous use of Acomplia for a few days.

The drug can reduce about 5% of the total body weight with its use for one or two months. Acomplia is available through easy online order; many online pharmacies also arrange online doctor’s prescription for the drug according to physical status of the customer. Buy online Acomplia (Rimonabant) and knock out obesity now.


Author: Syliya Parker, an associated editor to, is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit for more information on General Health related issues. Or write to him at Any comments and /or suggestions will be welcome

Generic Acomplia: Cheap Weight Loss

Generic Acomplia is best medication to achieve the desired weight loss within the stipulated time. Excessive weight gain problem is being devastating the health of many individuals, but there is no need to worry as generic Acomplia will solve your problem of excessive weight gain within few days. Within a month’s time you would be able to lose 15 to 20 pounds, if you take this medicine regularly along with the controlled diet and strict diet regime. The cause of weight gain is irrelevant for the working of the generic Acomplia to achieve the desired weight loss. Required weight loss is guaranteed with the intake of this medication. Rimonabant is the active constituent of the generic Acomplia that helps the person to loss those extra pounds that are harmful for his health. The usage of this medication is being advised by the dieticians as there is no harm on the health caused due to this medication. It is a completely safe mode of treatment for the excessive weight gain.
If you don’t take care of excessive weight gain in time then it may lead to the obesity, which may further on cause lot of health complications. Obesity is found to be causing obesity in many people. You excessive weight gain deteriorates the health of the person. Immune power of the person is being reduced due to the obesity as a result he gets prone to many infectious diseases. Cardiovascular health of the person is being adversely affected due to the obesity as the excessive fats deposited over the chest puts the pressure on the chest and creates problems in the breathing. Even the fats deposited inside the body disturbs the blood supply to the chest, thus leading to improper functioning of cardiovascular system causing heart stroke or heart attack.
To overcome the obesity, the best option is the usage of the generic Acomplia. Whatever may be your age, the pill of Acomplia certainly helps you to lose weight. With the usage of this medication you will notice the weight loss results in the week’s time. But, please continue to take the generic Acomplia pills at least for about 4 to 6 weeks to get the permanent weight loss results. The usage of the generic Acomplia must be done only after consulting with the doctor because depending upon your overall health status and weight you want to lose the dosage might vary.
It is advised to take only one pill of generic Acomplia in a day. The most preferred timing for the dosage as suggested by the health experts is in the morning before the breakfast as the urge of hunger is more in the morning. But, please don’t take generic Acomplia more than prescribed because it may cause adverse effects on your health. It is the medication that works reduces the fat intake in the body and then decreases the stored fats in the body.
Generic Acomplia is the exact replica of the branded Acomplia that is much more expensive than the generic version. So, if you find the generic version affordable then go for it as it works exactly like the branded version. Generic version of the Acomplia is absolutely safe for consumption and don’t harm your health in any ways. This pill is certainly well-known in market as “Fitness pill”. It helps to maintain your weight constant. Many fitness trainers recommend this pill for the fat people to reduce the extra pounds in there body. The usage of this medication has proved to be successful in many cases. Whoever has used this medication has achieved desired weight loss. So, generic Acomplia is best pill for weight loss.

Nealoren is an associated editor to the website It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on generic drugs like Sildenafil Citrate , Edegra, Silagra, Generic amoxicillingeneric amoxil and , Sildenafil citrate online, Generic acomplia ,Generic viagra soft tabs, Generic Levitra online generic drugs by latest news, personal views, and articles on Mens Health related topics.
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