To reduce or minimize the acne on the face, Accutane drug is used. The drug is patent by reputed drug company Roche Pharmaceuticals. Accutane is known by different names in different countries. It is referred to as Isotretinoin in the United States while in other countries it is called Roaccutane. Isotretinoin is the generic name of accutane drug. It is a very effective drug that reduces the production of oil in the oil glands. As a result, occurrence of acne is successfully reduced. However, the accutane drug has various side effects and if used improperly can be hazardous to the body as a whole.
The harmful effects of the drug are:
- itchy skin;
- changed skin composition;
- nosebleeds;
- chapped lips;
- pain in the joints;
- hair loss;
- increase triglyceride levels;
- diminishing night vision;
- severe head aches;
- urinary and intestinal disorders;
- harm liver;
- heart attacks;
This drug is not recommended for pregnant women as it may lead to birth defects i.e. facial and nervous deformities, mental retardation, lowering of a child’s IQ and lowers the ability to learn and to develop.
Depression prone people complain on depressions, some of them have committed suicide while taking that drug. So as we may see accutane drug threatens our health and life is taken improperly.
The cases of people suffering from the harmful effects of the drug are constantly rising. More and more people are filing suit against Roche Pharmaceuticals. It definitely is effective in treating acne but its side effects are too harmful to use the drug.
A physician must specify certain steps before recommending the drug. There are of generic accutane versions available in the market. Some of them are Claravis, Sotret and Amnesteem. The accutane drug is not used on the skin, it is taken orally. It constitutes of vitamin A. However, the vitamin is not assimilated well in the body. Moreover, if the drug is taken in excess quantity, it can cause harmful effects to the body.
Accutane drug has been very successful in curing acne and providing glow to the skin. It decreases the extent of the sebaceous glands, eradicates bacteria, minimizes inflammation and reduces cellular accumulation. Also, the acne does not occur even after the drug intake is stopped. Recent researches have shown that if the drug is taken in moderation, it can be effective in treating acne without causing any side effects. Also, if the triglyceride levels and liver tests are normal, the drug prescribed weighs 40 mg. the drug is taken for three months and twice everyday. Thus, to have an acne free and glowing skin, buy accutane.
Max Alan recommends accutane 10mg for skin care and propecia 5mg for hair loss treatment.