Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Easing The Stress For Your Baby During Teething

All babies differ when teething, as with adults, they all have different tolerances and deal with pain in different ways. Some babies (and parents) can get through the teething process with little irritation and discomfort, however for some, the teething process can be a very painful and lengthy experience.

You may find that the teething process starts to show itself before there are any signs of the actual teeth cutting through. Tell tale signs usually include red and swollen gums, restlessness, irritability and disturbed sleep patterns to name but a few. Another good indicator that your baby is teething is that they will want to chew and clench their jaws a lot. This is perfectly normal and is very soothing for the baby.

As they love to chew and bite on anything they can get their mouths round, giving your baby a teething ring can be the ideal solution. Teething rings provide baby with the soothing sensation of chewing but also help the teeth to push and cut through the gum.

A range of different teething products and teething rings are available to buy and whatever you choose is simply down to your own preference. Very hard or solid teething rings should probably be avoided though as they can bruise the gums and cause further pain for your baby. Gel or liquid filled teething rings are perhaps the best option as they have a small amount of give and flexibility that should provide your baby with just the right level of resistance. The liquid and gel teething rings can also be cooled in the fridge which will give baby the added benefit of cooling, soothing pain relief. In addition to teething rings, pain relief for teething babies can also be provided by means of teething gels which usually contain antiseptic and anaesthetic properties and, if really necessary, infant pain relief medicines such as infant paracetamol can be given.

There exists a comprehensive range of baby care products including infant pharmaceuticals and the fantastic Little Wonders range of baby care products. The market leading Little Wonders range includes baby soothers and teething rings that have been designed to provide the highest quality at the lowest price, and have been shaped for optimum comfort within a baby’s mouth.

The full range of Little Wonders baby care products includes feeding bottles, baby soothers, tableware, baby teats and baby baths, all of which can be purchased online from the nominated distributor. First Aid Warehouse stock the full Little Wonders range as well as a range of supplementary baby care products such as infant pharmaceuticals, personal care products and feminine care including fertility and pregnancy tests, vitamins and supplements. Shopping online is a simple and secure method of purchasing essential baby and personal care products, first aid, diagnostic equipment and other medical equipment including blood pressure monitors all of which is delivered direct to the door. The highest quality at the lowest prices are offered to the general public, private companies and medical professionals alike.

Baby Bottles and Baby Teats

Article Source: http://www.articlebiz.com/

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