Sunday, 20 September 2015

The Detox Cocktail

Detoxification Phase 1 and Phase 2

The integrity of your personal detoxification system is ultimately what makes the difference in how you will respond to chemicals in your environment. Your body is dependent on the strength of your detoxification system to keep chemicals and toxins from interfering with the health of your body.

The detoxification process is divided into two phases. In phase 1, electrons are moved around on the chemical to prepare a space for a detoxifier to latch on to it and carry the toxin out. Phase 2 involves the detoxifying nutrient, latching on to the toxin in the spot that was prepared in phase 1. The heavy detoxifier is usually a molecule that the body makes on its own. When the detoxifier is attached to the chemical it makes the chemical heavy and therefore the chemical is than able to be flushed out of the system.

Enzymes work in phase 1 to prepare the chemical site for detoxification. These enzymes require minerals to make them work. Without healthy levels of these minerals, it is virtually impossible to completely detoxify.

In phase two there are various detoxifying nutrients that can attach to the toxic chemical and drag it out of the body. The detoxifier that is the most readily available is the one the body will use. Glutathione is one very powerful detoxifier that the body uses to cleanse toxins from the system.

What happens is though that each time your body uses a glutathione molecule to grab hold and flush a toxic chemical out of the body, you have lost this detoxifier forever. Detoxifying molecules are used up to keep the body clean and safe from chemicals, and eventually if they are not replaced, they can be used up entirely, causing the entire natural detoxification system to falter.

This simple Detox Cocktail can rev up both detoxification phases and keep you safe on a daily basis.

· A heaping teaspoon of vitamin C powder

· 300-600 mg of Lipoic Acid

· 400-800 mg of glutaghione

Take this with 1-2 large glasses of water. Vitamin C and Lipoic acid assist in the first phase of detoxification, while glutathione is an excellent detoxifier that pulls the toxin out of the system.

Additional vitamins and minerals needed to accomplish the first phase of detoxification are zinc, copper, manganese, and magnesium. This is why a multivitamin is always a good idea to use for keeping your natural detoxification system in order.

Fore more information on detoxification. Sign up and get your FREE E-book The Most Powerful Secret to Successful Dieting at You will then be redirected to read more about what you need to know about detoxing for dieting.


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Saturday, 19 September 2015

The Detoxing Diet

Toxic Substances Don't Let You Lose Weight - Find Out Why

No matter which diet you are following now, you may want to take a closer look at the detoxing diet, and see what it can do for you. Whether you have 100 pounds to lose, or only five pounds, the detoxing diet is what you need to really lose weight. What is the detoxing diet? And why is it of such importance to everyone?

Due to the environment we live in today, as Dr Samuel Epstein, who was the key researcher in getting DDT banned, claims that we all carry 500 various chemical compounds in our cells, and "there is no safe dosage for any of them." Pesticides, plastic, nuclear radiation, chlorine, chemical hormones, are all substances that we are exposed to on a daily basis.

Because the body so desperately wants to protect its vital organs from all these dangerous toxins, it stores them in body fat. Breaking down the fat would release these lethal toxins, therefore the body's survival mechanism does all it can, to keep the fat intact. Research has shown that no matter how much exercise we do as a nation, and no matter how much we spend on dieting supplements, North Americans are only getting fatter.

These toxic substances cannot support life; instead they create confusion and breakdown in all living things. The WHO (world health organization) has declared that up to 90% of all cancers are caused by pesticides, radiation and other toxic chemicals found in our environment. These particles that the body cannot use or digest are toxic to the human system, and if not flushed out of the body, the toxins get stored in the body fat, just sitting around taking up space refusing to budge, like unwanted guests.

Toxic substances slow down and disturb cell communication. This lack of cell communication slows down the metabolism which leads to weight gain and all types of health issues, including cancer. Metabolism is directly affected by toxins and simply cannot function the way it needs to maintain a healthy weight. This is the reason that detoxing is something that everyone needs, for weight loss, and health. Detoxing is key to all the functions in the human body.

It is essential for you to educate yourself on how to detoxify these harmful toxic substances on a continuous basis. The detoxing diet is not something you do for a short time, only to lose weight. Detoxing habits and routines need to become a part of your daily life. Find out how you can learn more about detoxing in your daily life.

Go get your FREE E-book on The Most Powerful Secret to Successful Dieting at
After you sign up you will then be redirected to my blog where you can find out even more about the detoxing diet.


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Friday, 18 September 2015

To Detox or Not to Detox

I have a friend who very kindly lets me stay with her overnight when I am working in London on two consecutive days in a week. This saves me the wretched commute through the roadwork infested M25. She is a big fan of detoxing which I have never been. Last night we were discussing the current regime she is on and she was telling me how she loves doing the detox as a kick start to a reducing regime and that it makes her feel really good.

I have always been sceptical about detoxing, so I thought I'd have a quick trawl around and see what the main arguments for and against are, hoping either to overcome my scepticism, or alert her to any potential dangers of the approach. Actually, unsurprisingly there is a highly charged and emotional debate going on out there about this subject. I am only going to summarise the main arguments in a couple of sentences and then give you my own conclusion from what I've read.

There's no doubt about the fact that detoxing has become very popular in the last decade or so. After Christmas the chemists and supermarket shelves are groaning with detox products to help people kick start their New Year resolutions and women's magazines are full of articles about the latest celebrity regime, encouraging us to abandon our normal eating habits in favour of water, fruit and vegetables, and detox products.

How does detoxing work?

Supporters of detoxing say that it helps to flush toxins through the system faster, that it uses natural herbs and remedies including diuretics to aid the body in the detox process, producing more urine, thus expelling more toxins faster.

So why is it good for you?

Among the benefits claimed for detoxing is that it boosts liver function, clears out the colon and revitalises the skin, by eliminating potentially damaging toxins from the body. Advocates also say that it reduces feelings of bloatedness and increase energy levels.

Can detoxing be bad for you?

Some critics claim that detox products can actually be harmful. They point out that many people start a detox regime without consulting their doctors first. Some herbal products used in detox supplements can interact with some prescription medicines, including blood thinners and the contraceptive pill, increasing or decreasing their effectiveness.

One of the reasons that detoxing is popular after Christmas is that everyone is aware that they have over indulged and they believe that a quick boost will do their body good. Some health experts are worried that this approach, the "detox/retox" cycle is actually very stressful for the body and the liver in particular.

Some medical experts are also concerned that some of the commercial detox regimes are lacking in certain essential vitamins and minerals as well as being based on some herbal ingredients that are untested and unproven and that might actually compromise health rather than support it. Although supporters of the use of those herbs point out that they have been used for centuries without any ill effects being recorded either.

Do you need a detox regime?

The work of detoxing the body takes place in the liver. If your liver is not compromised and you are not over indulging in frequent consumption of toxins, there really is no point in doing anything other than follow the general nutritional advice for a healthy lifestyle. If you are already Hypnosizing and getting your full complement of vitamins and minerals either from the food you eat or from the judicious supplementation of the key elements that we know are likely to aid the body's natural detox system (particularly magnesium, zinc and selenium which are frequently found at lower than optimum levels and are all necessary in the detox process), then you don't need to do a detox.

Basically, it seems that you don't need to detox to be healthier. The best way to promote good health is to remember to follow the dictum of "all things in moderation" and as well as getting regular exercise and drinking water follow the tried and tested healthy eating principles:

Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day
Eat protein, pulses, lean meat, fish and eggs - including at least one portion of oily fish a week
Eat wholegrain bread, pasta, noodles and brown rice
Have no more than two to three portions of dairy foods a day
Strictly limit the amount of sugar in your diet
Avoid processed foods as much as possible. Cooking from scratch means you know what you are putting in your body.
If you must eat "ready-made", read the labels, if it sounds like it came out of the ground then it's probably better for you than if it sounds like it came out of the chemistry lab!

In Conclusion

I can't see that detoxing is actually necessary, although it might make people feel better about themselves if they can stick to a regime for a few days and it then acts as a kick start to a healthier lifestyle. As to whether it is harmful, I guess that depends on the individual and their own health in the first place. I am going to leave the last words to someone with much better qualifications than myself.

Unfortunately, many of the claims made by detox diet promoters are wild and exaggerated - it's best to stick to the sound, sensible, science-based advice you will always get from impartial, qualified, registered dietitians."

Andrew Wadge, Chief Scientist at the Food Standards Agency has this to say about it:

"First, drink a glass or two of water (tap is fine, cheaper and more sustainable than bottled); second, get a little exercise - maybe a walk in the park - and third, enjoy some nice home-cooked food. There's a lot of nonsense talked about 'detoxing' and most people seem to forget that we are born with a built-in detox mechanism. It's called the liver. So my advice would be to ditch the detox diets and supplements and buy yourself something nice with the money you've saved. "

So, all in all, I have to say that my scepticism is still firmly in place.

Sharon Walsh the HYPNOSIZE CEO has developed the HYPNOSIZE Programme, based on her own experience of many years struggling to control her size. After completing her hypnotherapy training in 2005, Sharon realised that it was the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle for her own size management issues and began working to develop a size management system that would work for everyone.

As a qualified master hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, Sharon has been working with individual clients at her clinic in Harley Street since 2007. This year she has developed the highly successful individual programme into a group programme and has published a series of online resources for people who are unable to book into her clinic.

The HYPNOSIZE blog is at

The HYPNOSIZE web site can be found at


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Thursday, 17 September 2015

How Detoxification Can Save Your Life

Today, detox plans and diets seem to be all the rage. Celebrities, doctors and health enthusiasts are all endorsing their particular choice of detoxification plan or diet. There are colon detoxes, liver detoxes, nutritional detox diets and many others. All of which promise better health as a result. With all the hype that is around, how does the average person know what works for them? What is detoxification and just how important is it to the body?

Toxins get into all our bodies over time from pollutants in the air we breathe, the foods we eat, the water we drink and in the environment (indoors and outdoors) that we spend time in. The body doesn't know what to do with these toxins, so it encapsulates them in fat and stores them. Lifestyle choices contribute highly to the current toxicity of the body. Every day you come face to face with toxins in what you eat and drink, as well as from alcohol, cigarettes, medical drugs, cosmetics, household cleaning products, carpet and upholstery, pollution and other environmental poisons. It is for this reason that detoxification is recommended for each person wanting to go back to a healthy physical state.

The body does undergo a natural detoxification process however, as massive toxins inhabit most of what you are exposed to, the body does need a little help in maintaining itself. This detoxification process involves the removal of these fat encapsulated toxins and bodily waste. This is done through the primary body organs including the liver, kidneys, the heart and bloodstream, the skin.

The liver has many functions in the body,but one of its main functions is filtering out toxins and poisons, like alcohol and other harmful materials. When the liver is over worked, a person usually feels heavy and sluggish and may experience constipation, irritability, feelings of bloatedness and an inability to focus and perform everyday functions well. Overtime, these conditions will soon hinder one's work and other social areas of life.

Every organ or system of the body is vulnerable to toxicity, especially when the liver is not able to break down toxins efficiently. This can be life threatening, but through the process of detoxification, you can significantly enhance the chance of living a healthy life, and help the liver perform better.

Recommended Detoxification Plan

A recommended detoxification plan is nutritional cleansing. After all, detoxification in effect is cleansing your body from toxins and other poisons. A great way to detoxify your body is by using the Isagenix nutritional cleansing programs. Using these programs, you will undergo cleanse days where the body's pH levels are being rebalanced by flooding it with the proper nourishment the body needs. The toxins that you encounter with the food you eat and the environment you live in throws our normal body composition and pH levels off balance and through a nutritional cleanse program, the body can be restored back to its normal state.

Most over-the-counter detoxes and cleanses put the body into starvation mode while stripping away toxins. Plus they also strip away the good essential nutrients that the body desperately needs. Using the Isagenix nutritional cleansing programs you will substitute two of your daily meals with meal replacement shakes as well as other supplements. These meal substitutes are carefully formulated containing all the right amounts and types of nutrients essential for cleansing your body and flushing out all your toxins, and even excess fat/weight, while at the same time feeding the body with the essential nutrients. At the end of your program, you will feel revitalized, giving your body that much needed overhaul from the inside out, releasing the poisons of modern living. Better sleep, higher energy and improved skin are also some of the health benefits of the Isagenix cleansing programs.

In these modern times where life is fast and people are more concerned with instant gratification, it is easy to overlook what is best for the body. Over time, the body will suffer and will experience unnecessary illnesses. This can prevent you from living the best life you can. Whenever you feel like giving your system a reboot, don't forget detoxification: it might just save your life.

You can visit my website to read more helpful articles on how to stay healthy and live a more nourished and fulfilled life. There, you can also read inspiring success stories that will motivate you to detoxify not only the food you eat and your health but your life in over all.


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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

All Natural Detox Remedies for Better Health

Various natural detox remedies have been used for thousands of years all over the world to improve health and keep the body cleansed. There are a number of ways in which the body can be detoxified, but most detox remedies involve eliminating toxins by preventing their consumption and using something natural like purified water, certain fruits or vegetables, or herbal remedies, supplements and teas to flush built up toxins from the body. The end result of a detox is a cleansed body with more energy and better health.

You may wonder why you should do a detox. You can think of a natural herbal detox cleanse a bit like changing the oil in your car. If you don't flush out the old mucky gunky stuff, and replace it with fresh new clean oil, your engine will not work as well, and eventually will break down. The same applies to toxic waste build up in your body from the food you eat, what you drink and the hygiene and cosmetic products you put on your skin. The food and drinks are full of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and fillers. There are petro-chemicals in the hygiene and grooming products and cosmetics you put on our skin every day. Plus there are pollutants in the air you breathe and the water you drink.

These toxins are building up in your system all the time; being stored in your cells. If you don't detoxify your body periodically, the build up of waste stored in your body begins to negatively impact your health and can contribute to a variety of illnesses, and chronic diseases. Eventually your body begins to break down, just like the car engine with no oil change. This is when you feel tired, lethargic, bloated, and yucky.

In general, herbal detox teas and remedies are safe. However, if you have chronic illness, take lots of medications, have allergies or are pregnant you should seek guidance from your health care provider before embarking on a detox regime, especially if considering a fasting detox of any kind.

You can detox daily with an herbal detox tea, or you may choose to do a periodic detox kit or fast. There are many options for you to try.

Be aware that the process of detoxing can often be difficult the first few days as you deny your body's cravings for "the bad stuff" and your body begins to release stored up toxins and waste. It is possible to experience mood swings, irritability and fatigue as your body adjusts to a healthier internal environment. You may also find that your skin breaks out. This can happen because your skin is your largest excretory organ, and it will be involved in purging some the waste and toxins from your body.

If you are planning to do a detox from a mood-altering or physiology-altering chemical like caffeine or nicotine, these withdrawal side-effects will likely be more prominent. It is not recommended that you begin detoxing right when you know you have a stressful event or commitment in the near future or when your schedule will be out of the ordinary or especially hectic. The key to a successful detox is planning ahead, being prepared, and having the right herbal and natural remedies to support the type of cleanse you are doing.

Don't worry it's not all bad. You will likely find the first 3-5 days are the most difficult. You will manage to get over the worst of it eventually, and the benefits of your hard efforts will begin to be felt. You will begin to notice that your mood improves, energy levels rise, clothes start fitting better, and skin begins to appear healthier. You start feeling and looking better; healthier.

Plus, doing a detoxifying natural cleanse is a great way to drop a few pounds before a special event. Or it can be used regularly for ongoing weight loss and weight management.

Do you want to learn more about all natural detox remedies? Find out about the different kinds of detox cleanses you can try, and also shop for recommended detox teas and herbal detox remedies.

The Natural Health Resource ( [] ) is your guide to natural health information and products. Find out what you need to know about healthy living and your natural health alternatives. Get more information on natural detox at The Natural Health Resource.


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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Why Cleansing Can Be Good For Your Health

In order to achieve a healthy colon, one has to do colon cleansing in order to rid the body of various toxins and other unhealthy elements. There are a lot of benefits from doing this practice and some of these effects can be experienced immediately after you start you colon cleansing.

With regular cleansing practices the colon can be free from dated, hardened wastes and toxins that can cause complications and unhealthy conditions for your body. And not only does it affect the colon but also different organ systems such as the circulation and digestive system hence it can affect your overall well being in a positive way.

Also with proper colon cleansing one can improve the muscular activity of the digestive tract called peristalsis which is the movement of food downward through the boy during the process of digestion. With good peristaltic movement comes good digestion which results to a more regular bowel movement and reduces the build up of wastes within the body.

Colon cleansing can also decrease the occurrence of indigestion, constipation or diarrhea and too much gas. Also since it has a good effect on the digestion, it can help to boost your immune system.

Another advisable practice would be to perform liver cleansing as well. This is very beneficial because the liver is responsible for filtering out the body's blood and getting rid of any harmful elements and also the liver is responsible for nourishing several parts of the body aside from secretion of certain enzymes.

So liver cleansing is one way on how you can take care of your liver and your body by helping it remove all the unwanted and harmful wastes that could build up within the body and potentially cause disease in the future.

Also the liver is responsible for certain homeostatic functions of the body which means that it has a share of responsibility in maintaining the natural balance of several factors within the body so without proper liver cleansing your body's functions could be thrown out of the normal balance.

One way to assure that you would not need to worry about any potential threats to your liver and colon would be to do liver cleansing and colon cleansing.

Doing these certain practices can lead to a longer life span since these organs of your body are essential for everyday function and play a crucial role in preventing diseases from affecting your body.


If you are serious about finding the best colon and liver cleanse information: you need to do your research! Find the best natural colon and liver cleanse that delivers on its promises and you will discover, like I did, that staying healthy, happy and vibrant is not as difficult as some would have you believe!

Visit to discover the exact secrets and lies I uncovered that prescription drug manufacturers do not want you to know about!


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Thursday, 27 August 2015

How To Pass Drug Test With F1 Detox

Severe conditions of our world teaches us to find way out from thin situations. Youth exchanges experience how to pass drug, alcohol, doping texts in online chats. They are not afraid to do that, their communication goes under nick names and it is very difficult to find out your real name.
If you enter into search engine question how to pass drug test or how to detoxicate your organism after taking drugs, you will be impressed by number of advises and preparations used for this aim.
There are even ready kits you can buy through the Internet web sites, pharmacies.
Drug byproducts can be detected in urine, blood, hair, external residue, and even perspiration!

Other factors determining degree of intoxication include metabolism, tolerance, frequency of intake, fluid intake, amount of marijuana, potency of marijuana, and length of time you've been a user. If you use marijuana on rare occasions, your urine may be clean of metabolites in less than a week. There is a common and strange phenomena that occurs with chronic users. You would expect a chronic user to have the longest detection time and the smallest chance of passing.

Normally you need 5-7 days to cleanness blood from toxins of drugs. To speed up process you have to take medical preparations, which will increase regenerating of blood cells and clean blood during short period of time, about a day.

Of course it is a risky business, because it may not work on 100 % and then you will not avoid problems with police.

There are a lot of recopies how to clean organism from drug toxins, but nobody will give you guarantee. Well known detoxing products are dairy products, cranberry juice is known to have purifying properties, melons, bananas, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and tomatoes. These fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium and other minerals and can replenish the system.
But normally detox of body should go under control of health care provider. It may seem strange, but detoxing has side effect and could affect your health.

In case of wrong detox program you can get rid or block useful elements in blood and same way decrease level of protection.

So, you have only two ways out – not to take drugs or if happened you have taken them, tell it to the doctor and agree on a course of detox in hospital conditions under doctor’s control.

Please visit and we help you to pass a drug test