Monday, 9 March 2009

Psychological causes of impotence and Cialis

High cholesterol, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, neurological disease, kidney disease and chronic alcoholism account for about 70 per cent of ED cases. About 35-50% of men with diabetes experience ED. Erectile dysfunction may be an early marker for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Smoking and obesity are associated with an increased risk of developing erectile dysfunction in normal, healthy individuals.

Often, ED is a result of side effects from taking other medications. Psychological causes of impotence may include stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and indifference.

The good news is that the condition can be treated. Cialis is now with you for all the time, in the form of online medicine. Cheap Cialis is supposed to be a better treatment for any such problem. And it is easily available online so one should not have to think about the things like erectile dysfunction.

Online Cialis must be taken approximately 30 min. when you are going to make love to your lover. The moments of joy could not be lost till you and your love gets satisfied so the Cialis is prepared for long lasting erections. This is very useful to know the sexual mechanism of a woman before you choose this type of drug. As the study shows that women’s are like a heavy Iron, which takes time to be hot and remains hot for a long time so to make your self fit for that.

Cheap Cialis keeps you active for along time on the bed and this gives your life the new and brightest colors. The maximum credit goes to the online pharmacy which are selling Cialis al over the world. These are good providers, as they provide the Cialis at your home and it is well packed so your privacy doesn’t get violated.

Brayn Adam, an associated editor to, is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit for more information on General Health related drugs like Cialis and Viagra.

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1 comment:

    Yes that’s what impotence is all about. Some of us just can’t get it up, OR- If we can, then it just don’t stay up there long enough for our partners to mount a decent attack. Yes, we have tried the blue pills, but less than 50% of us have any joy with those, so imagine how that feels. Still not getting a decent stiffy when taking the supposed wonder drug. The answer is about as low as the belly of a sausage dog.
    Fortunately there are alternatives and if you are lucky someone has already told you about HealthyED pills. If not then get yourself off to their site and buy some pronto fellas. These pills are clinically proven to improve sexual function in over 80% of all men that take them. They work on the body in the same ways as the major chemical blue pills but as they are natural there are no side effects and better results. The full clinical trial is online along with information about how and why HealthyED works so well is all on their internet site.
