Anxiety can be a major problem for anyone who has it. Yes, medications like ar and certain types of antidepressants – such as the antidepressant Effexor – appear effective in a number of cases, but that is not always true. Ultimately, the answer of which is the best method for dealing with anxiety is unanswerable.
Anxiety can be a major problem for anyone who has it. While not as directly damaging as dementia or psychosis, an untreated anxiety disorder is still very capable of wreaking quite a large amount of havoc on the personal and professional life of anyone who has it. Treatment methods can vary, with some preferring to take pharmaceutical solutions like ar, others choosing to resort to therapeutic approaches like counseling, and others find comfort in music or certain imagery. To some, alternative methods such as acupuncture and the ingestion of herbal concoctions are valid methods for calming the nerves at the right time. What would be the best among these various approaches, one might ask?
Well, much like the issue of which treatment for depression is the most effective, there is actually no definitive answer to the question. Yes, medications like ar and certain types of antidepressants – such as the antidepressant Effexor – appear effective in a number of cases, but that is not always true. Medications such as selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors have been in use for treating both depression and anxiety for a few years now, often as the first line of treatment. However, not everyone responds to these medications. The same is true for benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which are usually associated with treating depression but have also been used as treatments for anxiety.
Therapy is sometimes recommended for those people that seem unaffected by medication. The point of therapy is not to control the condition, but to help the patient come to terms with it and learn how to live with the problem. In essence, while pharmaceuticals are designed to help eliminate the causes of the problem, therapy is designed to help the patient go around the problem. For many patients, this is a valid treatment strategy, but only if given the time and effort to be properly undertaken. It has been found that most patients will respond to a combination of both drugs and therapy in dealing with their anxiety issues, with better results than with just one or the other alone.
In some circles, it is said that acupuncture – and acupressure, in theory – can help relieve the problem of anxiety. The relaxing effects of both of the above techniques are similar to that of a good massage, and can help rid the body of stress. While some patients with anxiety might respond to such, there is no real data backing up the claim that it can fix anxiety. Indeed, while Traditional Chinese Medicine has an extensive list of conditions and disorders that can be treated under the auspices of a master practitioner, there have never been any claims that they could cure anxiety. Acupuncture can help relieve stress and tension, and some believe it is this function of the ancient art that helps people with anxiety in dealing with their problem.
Ultimately, the answer of which is the best method for dealing with anxiety is unanswerable. Similar to determining which poker player is the best of all time, the answer is ultimately one that is based on too many variables. The short answer to the question is that the best method for dealing with anxiety is whichever one works best for the patient.
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Saturday, 28 February 2009
Cialis – The Long Lasting Impotence Drug
Erectile dysfunction is a most embarrassing health problem a man could ever have and it has engulfed more than millions of men all across the globe. It could occur at any age & could hamper marriage too.
Love and sex are the two defining parameters of a married life. On one side where a married life cannot be continued without having the feelings of love and care, on the other the expression of love is also very important. In a married life sexual intercourse is the best way to express your love and excitement.
ED is a male sexual disorder that is treatable but cannot be cured – meaning that permanent solution to ED is not possible at the moment but whenever the couple wishes to bond together, they have a quick-fix and effective solution and that too without significant side effects.
The main benefit of Cialis -- the up-to-36 hours that Cialis gives a man and his partner to choose the moment for intimacy that's right for them is the reason why Cialis could succeed in the ED marketplace. So there is no hurried and scheduled mechanical sex. . A man and his partner can relax and have enjoyable sex at a relaxed pace.
Cialis is not stuck anywhere from accessing. Cialis online presents you with the best chance to avoid the eyes on your way to the doc. rather you could sit cross legged in front of your pc and command at the will of your needs to call a stranger at the other end to get the pills at short notice. A few milligrams perhaps and you are bound to go ahead with the thirst of a school bully wishing hard to exhibit his strength each moment.
Today is available in more than 80 countries and the best place to purchase it is the web pharmacies. Web pharmacies to garner customer have good packages in which Cialis can be purchased cheaper and also with the added benefit of a free prescription which is essential for its purchase.
Now, let me ask you something. Wouldn’t it feel much better to buy Cialis than face the torture that erectile dysfunction forces upon you? Wouldn’t it be better to shape the screeches to moans for the drama to last a little while longer? You would never have to be raucous to command her and make her obey when the fault in fact lies with you; a fault, which, if treated at the right time, with Cialis, would pay you off with a starter hard enough to flock the frocks with passion. Buy Cialis and we leave the entire destiny to tick ardently within your closed fist.
Stephen Joe, an associated editor to, for distinct article sites/journals please feel free to visit for more information on health related issues like erectile dysfunction, weight loss and information about drugs like Cialis, Viagra etc. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at
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Love and sex are the two defining parameters of a married life. On one side where a married life cannot be continued without having the feelings of love and care, on the other the expression of love is also very important. In a married life sexual intercourse is the best way to express your love and excitement.
ED is a male sexual disorder that is treatable but cannot be cured – meaning that permanent solution to ED is not possible at the moment but whenever the couple wishes to bond together, they have a quick-fix and effective solution and that too without significant side effects.
The main benefit of Cialis -- the up-to-36 hours that Cialis gives a man and his partner to choose the moment for intimacy that's right for them is the reason why Cialis could succeed in the ED marketplace. So there is no hurried and scheduled mechanical sex. . A man and his partner can relax and have enjoyable sex at a relaxed pace.
Cialis is not stuck anywhere from accessing. Cialis online presents you with the best chance to avoid the eyes on your way to the doc. rather you could sit cross legged in front of your pc and command at the will of your needs to call a stranger at the other end to get the pills at short notice. A few milligrams perhaps and you are bound to go ahead with the thirst of a school bully wishing hard to exhibit his strength each moment.
Today is available in more than 80 countries and the best place to purchase it is the web pharmacies. Web pharmacies to garner customer have good packages in which Cialis can be purchased cheaper and also with the added benefit of a free prescription which is essential for its purchase.
Now, let me ask you something. Wouldn’t it feel much better to buy Cialis than face the torture that erectile dysfunction forces upon you? Wouldn’t it be better to shape the screeches to moans for the drama to last a little while longer? You would never have to be raucous to command her and make her obey when the fault in fact lies with you; a fault, which, if treated at the right time, with Cialis, would pay you off with a starter hard enough to flock the frocks with passion. Buy Cialis and we leave the entire destiny to tick ardently within your closed fist.
Stephen Joe, an associated editor to, for distinct article sites/journals please feel free to visit for more information on health related issues like erectile dysfunction, weight loss and information about drugs like Cialis, Viagra etc. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at
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Heart Failure Patients May Find Success With Cooling Treatment
Heart Failure Patients May Find Success With Cooling Treatment
Medical professionals recently began administering a new method of therapeutic hypothermia to cardiac arrest patients and found that the method was successful compared to previous statistics, which included "only 10 to 15 percent [of cardiac arrest patients] recover without brain damage," according to news reports.
The therapy has been used since the late 1950's "but was subsequently abandoned because of uncertain benefit and difficulties with its use," according to a 2003 report on the therapy from the American Heart Association (AHA). Currently, the state of New York is attempting to bring the therapy to all hospitals within the state, but the implementation of the therapy is being met with some hostility due to costs and lack of medical equipment at smaller hospitals based in poorer areas of the state.
Cooling Treatment for Cardiac Patients
According to The New York Times, therapeutic hypothermia is "believed to reduce the chances of brain damage and increase the chances of survival, even if it means bypassing the emergency rooms," however, "only those cardiac arrest patients revived enough to show a pulse and whose heart problems are not associated with some other trauma are eligible for the cooling treatment."
Studies from both the American Heart Association and The New England Journal of Medicine have boasted the therapies' usefulness finding "55 percent of the patients who received the cooling treatment ended up with moderate or no brain damage, compared with 39 percent who received standard treatment."
Heart Failure Causes
There are an array of heart failure causes including the following, according to the American Heart Association:
The discovery of Avandia (rosiglitazone) as a heart failure contributor was first demonstrated in a New England of Journal article in 2007. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also issued a health public safety advisory on the drug's side effects, which also includes the onset of a early osteoporosis among patients and the increased risk of bone loss among women patients.
To learn more about the Avandia dangers it may be necessary to locate a medical professional as well as to contact an experienced pharmaceutical attorney who can offer a free legal consultation as to the potential development of an Avandia class action lawsuit, which may increase the chances for earning monetary compensation to pay for the damages endured by the Avandia side effects.
Peter Kent is the best-selling author of 50 books and hundreds of articles for magazines and newspapers. He manages, a website hosting a variety of information on legal issues, including Avandia.
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Medical professionals recently began administering a new method of therapeutic hypothermia to cardiac arrest patients and found that the method was successful compared to previous statistics, which included "only 10 to 15 percent [of cardiac arrest patients] recover without brain damage," according to news reports.
The therapy has been used since the late 1950's "but was subsequently abandoned because of uncertain benefit and difficulties with its use," according to a 2003 report on the therapy from the American Heart Association (AHA). Currently, the state of New York is attempting to bring the therapy to all hospitals within the state, but the implementation of the therapy is being met with some hostility due to costs and lack of medical equipment at smaller hospitals based in poorer areas of the state.
Cooling Treatment for Cardiac Patients
According to The New York Times, therapeutic hypothermia is "believed to reduce the chances of brain damage and increase the chances of survival, even if it means bypassing the emergency rooms," however, "only those cardiac arrest patients revived enough to show a pulse and whose heart problems are not associated with some other trauma are eligible for the cooling treatment."
Studies from both the American Heart Association and The New England Journal of Medicine have boasted the therapies' usefulness finding "55 percent of the patients who received the cooling treatment ended up with moderate or no brain damage, compared with 39 percent who received standard treatment."
Heart Failure Causes
There are an array of heart failure causes including the following, according to the American Heart Association:
- coronary artery disease
- past heart attacks
- high blood pressure
- abnormal heart valves
- heart muscle disease
- inflammation
- congenital heart disease
- severe lung disease
- diabetes
- severe anemia
- hyperthyroidism
- arrhythmia/dysrhythmia
The discovery of Avandia (rosiglitazone) as a heart failure contributor was first demonstrated in a New England of Journal article in 2007. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also issued a health public safety advisory on the drug's side effects, which also includes the onset of a early osteoporosis among patients and the increased risk of bone loss among women patients.
To learn more about the Avandia dangers it may be necessary to locate a medical professional as well as to contact an experienced pharmaceutical attorney who can offer a free legal consultation as to the potential development of an Avandia class action lawsuit, which may increase the chances for earning monetary compensation to pay for the damages endured by the Avandia side effects.
Peter Kent is the best-selling author of 50 books and hundreds of articles for magazines and newspapers. He manages, a website hosting a variety of information on legal issues, including Avandia.
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What are the Alternatives to Xenical Weight Loss Pills?
In an age of medical break-through, can modern medicine play a role in the battle against today’s obesity epidemic? Xenical has traditionally been a prescription only capsule prescribed to obese patients, and recently, the FDA gave the thumbs up to an over the counter version - Alli. Both products contain the active ingredient Orlistat, a lipase inhibitor that helps prevent fat being absorbed into the body.
Is Xenical safe?
When taken at meal times, Orlistat reduces the amount of fat that is broken down in the stomach and absorbed into the body by about 30%. Instead, fats are expelled naturally in faces, thus helping towards weight loss.
Xenical sounds ideal for those of us who struggle to keep to a healthy diet. However, the active ingredient, Orlistat, is usually only prescribed to obese people with a body mass index in excess of 30kg/m². So if you are not dangerously overweight, Xenical/Alli may not be the right option for you. In either instance, you should always consult your doctor. There are also some worrying side effects:
What are the Xenical's and Alli's side effects?
Brace yourself. Some rather unpleasant side effects have been reported from use of Orlistat products. Users have reported uncontrollable anal discharges, so taking this drug could well result in embarrassing situations. Other possible effects are oily stools, loss of bowel control, diarrhea rectal pain, liver inflammation and fatigue. So Orlistat based products may not be the shining ray of light overweight people have been hoping for.
Are there any safe, effective alternatives?
There are hundreds of weight loss products on the market, but few have been clinically proven to be effective. There are products on the market that are proven to have very similar benefits to Orlistat in reducing fat in take, but with out the nasty side effects. Proactol™ is a relatively new weight management product that also reduces fat from the food we eat by around 30%, butin a different way.
Proactol™ - Safe, Clinically Proven Fat Binder
Proactol™ is based on a patented fiber complex, that rather than just preventing fat from being broken down, pulling in fat molecules and binding them into a viscous solution in the stomach. So fat is prevented from entering the body without the embarrassing side effects of Xenical and Alli. Initial user feedback of Proactol™ is extremely positive, and as well as reducing fat intake.
Proactol has the following associated benefits:
With hundreds of "miracle pills" on the market, Proactol™ is one of the few that lives up to its claims of effectiveness. In several pre-clinical trials it has proven to be a highly effective alternative to Orlistat based products. As with most weight loss supplements, Proactol™’s best results come when used in combination with a healthy diet and active lifestyle.
To learn more about safe, clinically proven weight loss - visit Proactol™’s official site today.
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Is Xenical safe?
When taken at meal times, Orlistat reduces the amount of fat that is broken down in the stomach and absorbed into the body by about 30%. Instead, fats are expelled naturally in faces, thus helping towards weight loss.
Xenical sounds ideal for those of us who struggle to keep to a healthy diet. However, the active ingredient, Orlistat, is usually only prescribed to obese people with a body mass index in excess of 30kg/m². So if you are not dangerously overweight, Xenical/Alli may not be the right option for you. In either instance, you should always consult your doctor. There are also some worrying side effects:
What are the Xenical's and Alli's side effects?
Brace yourself. Some rather unpleasant side effects have been reported from use of Orlistat products. Users have reported uncontrollable anal discharges, so taking this drug could well result in embarrassing situations. Other possible effects are oily stools, loss of bowel control, diarrhea rectal pain, liver inflammation and fatigue. So Orlistat based products may not be the shining ray of light overweight people have been hoping for.
Are there any safe, effective alternatives?
There are hundreds of weight loss products on the market, but few have been clinically proven to be effective. There are products on the market that are proven to have very similar benefits to Orlistat in reducing fat in take, but with out the nasty side effects. Proactol™ is a relatively new weight management product that also reduces fat from the food we eat by around 30%, butin a different way.
Proactol™ - Safe, Clinically Proven Fat Binder
Proactol™ is based on a patented fiber complex, that rather than just preventing fat from being broken down, pulling in fat molecules and binding them into a viscous solution in the stomach. So fat is prevented from entering the body without the embarrassing side effects of Xenical and Alli. Initial user feedback of Proactol™ is extremely positive, and as well as reducing fat intake.
Proactol has the following associated benefits:
- Helps to suppress appetite
- Helps to reduce cholesterol levels
- Decreases food cravings
With hundreds of "miracle pills" on the market, Proactol™ is one of the few that lives up to its claims of effectiveness. In several pre-clinical trials it has proven to be a highly effective alternative to Orlistat based products. As with most weight loss supplements, Proactol™’s best results come when used in combination with a healthy diet and active lifestyle.
To learn more about safe, clinically proven weight loss - visit Proactol™’s official site today.
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Friday, 27 February 2009
Drugs Used in Anxiety
First of all, let us understand what we really mean by 'anxiety'. In medical terminology, the meaning of this word is somewhat different from what it is used for in everyday life. Anxiety is not the same as fear. The situation of fear is of short duration, for example:
1) a fast driving car almost about to hit you;
2) a ferocious dog chasing you;
3) you are getting late for an important appointment;
4) you have to appear for an examination or interview.
In all these situations the fear is short-lived. But in modern life, one faces several problems daily, of which some are persistent. These hazards or problems may be real or imaginary, for example, fear of losing a job. In either case the danger may last for weeks or months.
Hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vesparax)
This drug provides symptomatic relief in states of anxiety. Besides anti-anxiety action, it also has antiemetic (preventing vomiting) and anti-allergic properties. It has a significant sedative action that lasts for a short period. It is also useful in treatment of insomnia, urticaria (hives) and drug allergy.
Dosage: Hydroxyzine is given orally in a dose of25 mg, 3 to 4 times daily.
Adverse Effects: It is a relatively weak anti-anxiety agent with few harmful effects. Occasionally, it may cause headache, nausea, and dryness of the mouth. Prolonged use may cause drug dependence. The drug enhances the sedative action of morphine and barbiturates.
Buspirone (Anxipar, Buscalm, Buspin)
This has all the properties possessed by the benzodiazepines but has least sedative action and does not produce cognitive impairment. No tolerance or dependence has been described. It does not have muscle relaxant effect. It is found to be useful in mild to moderate generalized anxiety.
Dosage: The Initial dose should be 5 mg, three times a day which can be gradually increased even upto 60 mg per day.
Adverse Effects: In high doses this drug can cause nausea, light headedness, headache and dizziness.
Other Anxiety Disorders
Phobia an unrealistic anxiety or feel in a particular situation is called phobia.
Agoraphobia is the fear of open-spaces or marketplaces. It waxes and wanes and may disappear without treatment. Psychotherapy, familiarization and use of antidepressants (see chapter 'Drugs Used in Mental Depression') are helpful.
Social phobia includes stage phobia (public speaking, acting/performance), phobia in using public bathrooms and giving witness etc. Such people develop the manifestations of anxiety and fear in social situations. Many of them are shy and timid by nature since early in life. Psychotherapy, exposure treatment and some drugs (such as sertraline, propranolol or clonazepam) may help.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disorder in which a person gets recurrent and unwanted ideas or impulses which are bizarre (obsessions). There is an associated compulsion to do some act repeatedly in response to obsessions e.g., repeated hand washing to avoid infection. This requires proper evaluation and treatment. The treatment includes behaviour therapy and use of antidepressants (particularly clomipramine and fluoxetine)
Panic attacks are characterized by sudden appearance of anxiety and physical manifestations such as breathing difficulty, palpitation, tremor, choking, chest discomfort and fear of dying. Treatment includes psychotherapy and use of antianxiety and/or antidepressant drugs. Diazepam, alprazolam, fluoxetine and imipramine have been found to be effective. Sometimes parenteral (intravenous/intramuscular) diazepam is given under supervision to avoid respiratory depression.
AdvCare is one of the leading Canada pharmacy website. First established in January 2000, its mission is to become the number one site for discount drugs searches.
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1) a fast driving car almost about to hit you;
2) a ferocious dog chasing you;
3) you are getting late for an important appointment;
4) you have to appear for an examination or interview.
In all these situations the fear is short-lived. But in modern life, one faces several problems daily, of which some are persistent. These hazards or problems may be real or imaginary, for example, fear of losing a job. In either case the danger may last for weeks or months.
Hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vesparax)
This drug provides symptomatic relief in states of anxiety. Besides anti-anxiety action, it also has antiemetic (preventing vomiting) and anti-allergic properties. It has a significant sedative action that lasts for a short period. It is also useful in treatment of insomnia, urticaria (hives) and drug allergy.
Dosage: Hydroxyzine is given orally in a dose of25 mg, 3 to 4 times daily.
Adverse Effects: It is a relatively weak anti-anxiety agent with few harmful effects. Occasionally, it may cause headache, nausea, and dryness of the mouth. Prolonged use may cause drug dependence. The drug enhances the sedative action of morphine and barbiturates.
Buspirone (Anxipar, Buscalm, Buspin)
This has all the properties possessed by the benzodiazepines but has least sedative action and does not produce cognitive impairment. No tolerance or dependence has been described. It does not have muscle relaxant effect. It is found to be useful in mild to moderate generalized anxiety.
Dosage: The Initial dose should be 5 mg, three times a day which can be gradually increased even upto 60 mg per day.
Adverse Effects: In high doses this drug can cause nausea, light headedness, headache and dizziness.
Other Anxiety Disorders
Phobia an unrealistic anxiety or feel in a particular situation is called phobia.
Agoraphobia is the fear of open-spaces or marketplaces. It waxes and wanes and may disappear without treatment. Psychotherapy, familiarization and use of antidepressants (see chapter 'Drugs Used in Mental Depression') are helpful.
Social phobia includes stage phobia (public speaking, acting/performance), phobia in using public bathrooms and giving witness etc. Such people develop the manifestations of anxiety and fear in social situations. Many of them are shy and timid by nature since early in life. Psychotherapy, exposure treatment and some drugs (such as sertraline, propranolol or clonazepam) may help.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disorder in which a person gets recurrent and unwanted ideas or impulses which are bizarre (obsessions). There is an associated compulsion to do some act repeatedly in response to obsessions e.g., repeated hand washing to avoid infection. This requires proper evaluation and treatment. The treatment includes behaviour therapy and use of antidepressants (particularly clomipramine and fluoxetine)
Panic attacks are characterized by sudden appearance of anxiety and physical manifestations such as breathing difficulty, palpitation, tremor, choking, chest discomfort and fear of dying. Treatment includes psychotherapy and use of antianxiety and/or antidepressant drugs. Diazepam, alprazolam, fluoxetine and imipramine have been found to be effective. Sometimes parenteral (intravenous/intramuscular) diazepam is given under supervision to avoid respiratory depression.
AdvCare is one of the leading Canada pharmacy website. First established in January 2000, its mission is to become the number one site for discount drugs searches.
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A Magnetic Approach to Treating Depression
For the longest time, people with severe depression have proven resistant to tried-and-tested treatment methods, like taking antidepressants (Prozac, Wellbutrin, etc.) and psychotherapy, to manage and treat their condition. Early last year, the U.S. FDA approved of the use of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) implants for the treatment of non-treatment responsive depression. VNS implants is a treatment used for epilepsy patients and is implanted by means of invasive surgery.
But now, the government has approved of the first non-invasive brain stimulator that helps treat treatment-resistant depression. This new treatment is called the transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). It beams magnetic pulses through the skull, triggering small electrical charges to spark brain cells back to life.
This is quite a convenient alternative as opposed to undergoing invasive surgery or painful shock therapy. It is important for people with depression to know that this treatment is not for everyone. The FDA approved Neuronetics Inc.'s Neurostar therapy specifically for sufferers who've had to no relief from their first antidepressants. This also helps depression sufferers avoid the hassles of trying pill after pill.
With statistics showing that one out of five people with depression is non-responsive to treatment, this is why there is a need for innovative approaches to treating the disease. And the TMS is offering just that.
Creators of the TMS device explain that for depression treatment, the magnet is aimed at the front left portion of the head, directly atop the prefrontal cortex. Because every individual's brain is different, measures need to be taken to make sure that the magnet is aimed at the right place. An initial zap is done at the top of the head to find the motor-control region. Once they're able to locate it, they move five centimeters forward and start beaming 3,000 pulses per minute (ppm) for 40 minutes. The treatment is done five times a week over a course of six weeks.
The creators of the device believes that by stimulating cells in the prefrontal cortex, a chain reaction can be triggered to stimulate deeper brain regions that are primarily responsible for mood regulation.
Tests have proven that this new breakthrough is very safe. People who have tried the device didn't suffer from seizures or memory problems unlike in shock therapy; the only complaint was of headaches. After the tests were done, 24% of the test subjects who got TMS treatment scored significantly better on a standard depression chart after six weeks, compared to 12% who got placebo treatment.
This new treatment is proving to be very promising; however, the FDA highly emphasizes that this is only for people who have failed responding to their first antidepressant. The TMS therapy is not for people who are severely treatment-resistant.
Mark Walters is a part-time writer and a part-time researcher. He is currently self-studying various Far Eastern languages and is an avid fiction reader. He is currently writing articles oriented towards consumers of pharmaceutical products. InternetPharmacy is a reputable online drug store and offers an array of health products and medicare prescription drugs.
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But now, the government has approved of the first non-invasive brain stimulator that helps treat treatment-resistant depression. This new treatment is called the transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). It beams magnetic pulses through the skull, triggering small electrical charges to spark brain cells back to life.
This is quite a convenient alternative as opposed to undergoing invasive surgery or painful shock therapy. It is important for people with depression to know that this treatment is not for everyone. The FDA approved Neuronetics Inc.'s Neurostar therapy specifically for sufferers who've had to no relief from their first antidepressants. This also helps depression sufferers avoid the hassles of trying pill after pill.
With statistics showing that one out of five people with depression is non-responsive to treatment, this is why there is a need for innovative approaches to treating the disease. And the TMS is offering just that.
Creators of the TMS device explain that for depression treatment, the magnet is aimed at the front left portion of the head, directly atop the prefrontal cortex. Because every individual's brain is different, measures need to be taken to make sure that the magnet is aimed at the right place. An initial zap is done at the top of the head to find the motor-control region. Once they're able to locate it, they move five centimeters forward and start beaming 3,000 pulses per minute (ppm) for 40 minutes. The treatment is done five times a week over a course of six weeks.
The creators of the device believes that by stimulating cells in the prefrontal cortex, a chain reaction can be triggered to stimulate deeper brain regions that are primarily responsible for mood regulation.
Tests have proven that this new breakthrough is very safe. People who have tried the device didn't suffer from seizures or memory problems unlike in shock therapy; the only complaint was of headaches. After the tests were done, 24% of the test subjects who got TMS treatment scored significantly better on a standard depression chart after six weeks, compared to 12% who got placebo treatment.
This new treatment is proving to be very promising; however, the FDA highly emphasizes that this is only for people who have failed responding to their first antidepressant. The TMS therapy is not for people who are severely treatment-resistant.
Mark Walters is a part-time writer and a part-time researcher. He is currently self-studying various Far Eastern languages and is an avid fiction reader. He is currently writing articles oriented towards consumers of pharmaceutical products. InternetPharmacy is a reputable online drug store and offers an array of health products and medicare prescription drugs.
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Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, and their ability to function. It is an illness that affects thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behavior and is distinguished from Major Depressive Disorder by the presence of manic or hypomanic episodes. It can cause dramatic mood swings from overly "high" and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between.
Bipolar disorder is a chronic and generally life-long condition with recurring episodes of mania and depression that can last from several days to months that often begin in adolescence or early adulthood, and occasionally even in children. Most scientists now agree that there isn't a single cause for bipolar disorder rather, many factors act together to produce the illness.
It is classified according to symptom severity as Bipolar Disorder I, Bipolar Disorder II, and Cyclothymic Disorder. Bipolar Disorder Type I is usually characterized by at least one manic episode, with or without major depression. It involves episodes of severe mood swings,from mania to depression and is the classic manic-depressive form of the illness as well as the most severe type.
Bipolar II disorder is usually a milder form, involving milder episodes of hypomania that alternate with depression. Some people never develop severe mania but instead experience milder episodes of hypomania that alternate with depression.
When four or more episodes of illness occur within a 12-month period, a person has rapid-cycling bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder will typically develop in late adolescence or early adulthood. In children or teens it can be difficult to distinguish from other problems such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and depression. It can also manifests in late life as well. Bipolar disorder may appear to be a problem other than mental illness - alcohol or drug abuse, poor school or work performance, or strained interpersonal relationships for instance.
Bipolar disorder affects more than one in forty American adults and affects men and women equally. Bipolar disorder often runs in families, and recent studies suggest a genetic component to the illness.
Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone can go through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. But there is good news: bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives. Most people can achieve substantial stabilization of their mood swings and related symptoms with proper treatment. Between episodes, many people with are free of symptoms, but as much as one-third of people have some residual symptoms.
Treatment, in disabling bipolar disorder, is with mood stabilizers (classically, the lithium salts) that balance the manic and depressive states experienced by patients. Treatment and maintenance of this disorder is necessary throughout a person's life once bipolar disorder has been diagnosed. Treatments may include medication, talk therapy, and/or support groups.
The following medications may be used to treat bipolar disorder (many patients are treated with a combination of two or more of these medications):
Lithium A mood stabilizer, often used as initial treatment (helps prevent manic and depressive episodes from returning)
Valproate (Depakote), carbamazepine (Tegretol), lamotrigine, topiramate
Antiseizure medications, also used as mood stabilizers instead or in combination with lithium.
Benzodiazepines, clonazepam (Klonopin) or lorazepam (Ativan) Can be used to treat agitation or insomnia.
Zolpidem (Ambien) Used to treat insomnia.
Antidepressants Serotonin reuptake inhibitors or bupropion (Wellbutrin) can be used to treat depression.
Antipsychotic medications Uused for acute manic or mixed episodes and maintenance treatment.
Classic antipsychotic medications (eg, haloperidol (Haldol)) are not often used because of risks of tardive dyskinesia (uncontrollable movements).
Atypical antipsychotic medications (eg, risperidone, olanzapine, aripiprazole, zisprasidone, and quetiapine) are more effective with less risk of tardive dyskinesia Treatment may need to be continued for prolonged periods or indefinitely, depending on the pattern of the illness, to prevent significant mood swings.
Treatment of depression may also include support groups, talk therapy or other strategies that you and your health care provider may want to try. Treatment should not be postponed, however, because of the risk of suicide and school failure.
Mark is a life long depression sufferer and maintains a site devoted to the understanding and treatment of depression in all it's many forms. Visit his site for more information at
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Bipolar disorder is a chronic and generally life-long condition with recurring episodes of mania and depression that can last from several days to months that often begin in adolescence or early adulthood, and occasionally even in children. Most scientists now agree that there isn't a single cause for bipolar disorder rather, many factors act together to produce the illness.
It is classified according to symptom severity as Bipolar Disorder I, Bipolar Disorder II, and Cyclothymic Disorder. Bipolar Disorder Type I is usually characterized by at least one manic episode, with or without major depression. It involves episodes of severe mood swings,from mania to depression and is the classic manic-depressive form of the illness as well as the most severe type.
Bipolar II disorder is usually a milder form, involving milder episodes of hypomania that alternate with depression. Some people never develop severe mania but instead experience milder episodes of hypomania that alternate with depression.
When four or more episodes of illness occur within a 12-month period, a person has rapid-cycling bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder will typically develop in late adolescence or early adulthood. In children or teens it can be difficult to distinguish from other problems such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and depression. It can also manifests in late life as well. Bipolar disorder may appear to be a problem other than mental illness - alcohol or drug abuse, poor school or work performance, or strained interpersonal relationships for instance.
Bipolar disorder affects more than one in forty American adults and affects men and women equally. Bipolar disorder often runs in families, and recent studies suggest a genetic component to the illness.
Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone can go through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. But there is good news: bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives. Most people can achieve substantial stabilization of their mood swings and related symptoms with proper treatment. Between episodes, many people with are free of symptoms, but as much as one-third of people have some residual symptoms.
Treatment, in disabling bipolar disorder, is with mood stabilizers (classically, the lithium salts) that balance the manic and depressive states experienced by patients. Treatment and maintenance of this disorder is necessary throughout a person's life once bipolar disorder has been diagnosed. Treatments may include medication, talk therapy, and/or support groups.
The following medications may be used to treat bipolar disorder (many patients are treated with a combination of two or more of these medications):
Lithium A mood stabilizer, often used as initial treatment (helps prevent manic and depressive episodes from returning)
Valproate (Depakote), carbamazepine (Tegretol), lamotrigine, topiramate
Antiseizure medications, also used as mood stabilizers instead or in combination with lithium.
Benzodiazepines, clonazepam (Klonopin) or lorazepam (Ativan) Can be used to treat agitation or insomnia.
Zolpidem (Ambien) Used to treat insomnia.
Antidepressants Serotonin reuptake inhibitors or bupropion (Wellbutrin) can be used to treat depression.
Antipsychotic medications Uused for acute manic or mixed episodes and maintenance treatment.
Classic antipsychotic medications (eg, haloperidol (Haldol)) are not often used because of risks of tardive dyskinesia (uncontrollable movements).
Atypical antipsychotic medications (eg, risperidone, olanzapine, aripiprazole, zisprasidone, and quetiapine) are more effective with less risk of tardive dyskinesia Treatment may need to be continued for prolonged periods or indefinitely, depending on the pattern of the illness, to prevent significant mood swings.
Treatment of depression may also include support groups, talk therapy or other strategies that you and your health care provider may want to try. Treatment should not be postponed, however, because of the risk of suicide and school failure.
Mark is a life long depression sufferer and maintains a site devoted to the understanding and treatment of depression in all it's many forms. Visit his site for more information at
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The pill to kill Impotence - Cialis
According to a reserved estimate, millions of American men and billions worldwide are afflicted by Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Impotence seriously jeopardizes the male sexual health.
Innumerable relationships suffer due to inability of male partners to fully satisfy their partners. Among the major reasons for such an inability, impotence sits pretty on top. The aftermaths of a broken relationship are felt not only by the couple but their near and dear ones especially the children. Children of a broken family often tend to deviate from the virtues of life.
Thanks medical researchers for manufacturing a pill to treat impotence. Now the treatment of ED is not as difficult as it used to be. Though the complete cure of impotence is still some years away, yet the pills available are quite effective in warding off the ill effects of impotence.
Cialis is the latest pill to have captured the imagination of ED patients and medical fraternity worldwide. The third – after Viagra and Levitra – Cialis is seen as the best amongst all. Cialis stays in the body for sufficient hours to make you forget about pains of impotence.
Some results show that Cialis can stay in the body for up to 36 hours which makes the act all the more blissful. The positive feedback from the satisfied couples has catapulted the sales graph of Cialis.
A few side effects notwithstanding, Cialis is surely a drug that can rule the ED treatment market for years to come. Cialis is famously called ‘le weekend drug’ in Paris for its popularity in nightclubs and discos. But this tag is unwarranted and unwelcome for the drug is meant as a treatment pill for ED. The sex-maniacs are getting unduly attracted towards Cialis. There can be serious consequences if cheap Cialis is taken without subscription.
The easy availability of Cialis online has added to the worries about the misuse of the drug. For attaining maximum benefits out of the drug, buy Cialis only after proper examination and prescription by a qualified general physician.
Paul Cris, an associated editor to, is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit for more information on General Health related issues or write to him at . Any comments and /or suggestions will be highly appreciated. Please note that this article is not a substitute for medical advice.
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Innumerable relationships suffer due to inability of male partners to fully satisfy their partners. Among the major reasons for such an inability, impotence sits pretty on top. The aftermaths of a broken relationship are felt not only by the couple but their near and dear ones especially the children. Children of a broken family often tend to deviate from the virtues of life.
Thanks medical researchers for manufacturing a pill to treat impotence. Now the treatment of ED is not as difficult as it used to be. Though the complete cure of impotence is still some years away, yet the pills available are quite effective in warding off the ill effects of impotence.
Cialis is the latest pill to have captured the imagination of ED patients and medical fraternity worldwide. The third – after Viagra and Levitra – Cialis is seen as the best amongst all. Cialis stays in the body for sufficient hours to make you forget about pains of impotence.
Some results show that Cialis can stay in the body for up to 36 hours which makes the act all the more blissful. The positive feedback from the satisfied couples has catapulted the sales graph of Cialis.
A few side effects notwithstanding, Cialis is surely a drug that can rule the ED treatment market for years to come. Cialis is famously called ‘le weekend drug’ in Paris for its popularity in nightclubs and discos. But this tag is unwarranted and unwelcome for the drug is meant as a treatment pill for ED. The sex-maniacs are getting unduly attracted towards Cialis. There can be serious consequences if cheap Cialis is taken without subscription.
The easy availability of Cialis online has added to the worries about the misuse of the drug. For attaining maximum benefits out of the drug, buy Cialis only after proper examination and prescription by a qualified general physician.
Paul Cris, an associated editor to, is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit for more information on General Health related issues or write to him at . Any comments and /or suggestions will be highly appreciated. Please note that this article is not a substitute for medical advice.
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Fertility Treatment Abroad
Infertility is a subject that many couples don’t want to discuss, but it's an issue that millions of couples around the world deal with on a daily basis. The causes of infertility are numerous, from lack of ovulation to low sperm counts in men. Infertility is not just a woman’s problem, but because of basic anatomy and physiology, women's 'plumbing' so to speak, is more complex and therefore apt to contribute more difficulties to conception than males.
Increase Your Chances of Conception
However, there's hope on the horizon – new techniques and options in infertility are available not only in the U.S. but also around the world. Common treatments today include:
Treatments with drugs or medications are usually the first step, in an effort to try and stimulate and induce ovulation. These types of drugs are designed for women who have been diagnosed with ovulation difficulties and offers about an 80% success rate. Women who experience difficulties with follicle development, and thereby ovulation problems, may benefit from ovulation induction therapies, where hormones are given to stimulate follicle and egg development.
Intrauterine insemination is generally the next step in the infertility treatment process, also known as artificial insemination. Women experiencing fallopian tube defects or damage, as well as those with poor egg quality often benefit from this type of therapy. At this point, treatments can become quite expensive. Next often comes in vitro fertilization. This involves placement of an already fertilized egg into the woman’s uterus for implantation.
What Do Fertility Treatments Cost?
The cost of fertility treatments prohibit many couples from seeking treatments, but these days, many foreign destinations offer fertility programs that are affordable and effective. Fertility treatments in the United States may cost anywhere between $300 and $800 per treatment for intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedures, with couples required to undergo multiple treatments. Costs for in vitro fertilization (IVF) may cost between $8,000 and $10,000 with each attempt.
However, medical travelers to foreign destinations such as Mexico, South America, India, and Thailand can save thousands, up to 75% of costs in the U.S. Popular destinations that treat infertility include:
Lower costs in foreign destinations are not due to sub-standard care or training - quite the opposite. Lower costs are enjoyed because other countries don't have to deal with the rising and often prohibitive costs of medical malpractice insurance that is rampant within the healthcare industry in the United States. Therefore, medical providers in other countries are able to perform such treatments, procedures and surgeries at huge savings to their patients.
Reap the Benefits of Fertilization Technology
Whether you decide to travel to Mexico, South America, or Asia for fertility treatments and procedures, chances are you're going to be more than pleased with the results. Take a second honeymoon and take care of business while you're there. Take the opportunity to create that family you long for, and without putting yourself in debt for the rest of your life. Medical travel is the wave of the future for millions of couples around the world - so check it out and find a facility that can offer a realization to your dreams.
Mary Jo is an RN who has worked in health tourism for over 35 years. She has done international medical management consulting for a major health care organization. Prior to joining PlacidWay ( she worked for the nation's leading healthcare IT company as an implementation consultant for Electronic Medical Records.
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Increase Your Chances of Conception
However, there's hope on the horizon – new techniques and options in infertility are available not only in the U.S. but also around the world. Common treatments today include:
- IVF (in vitro fertilization)
- OI (Ovulation induction)
- Clomid treatments
- AI (artificial insemination)
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- IUI (intrauterine insemination)
- Alternative Medicines
Treatments with drugs or medications are usually the first step, in an effort to try and stimulate and induce ovulation. These types of drugs are designed for women who have been diagnosed with ovulation difficulties and offers about an 80% success rate. Women who experience difficulties with follicle development, and thereby ovulation problems, may benefit from ovulation induction therapies, where hormones are given to stimulate follicle and egg development.
Intrauterine insemination is generally the next step in the infertility treatment process, also known as artificial insemination. Women experiencing fallopian tube defects or damage, as well as those with poor egg quality often benefit from this type of therapy. At this point, treatments can become quite expensive. Next often comes in vitro fertilization. This involves placement of an already fertilized egg into the woman’s uterus for implantation.
What Do Fertility Treatments Cost?
The cost of fertility treatments prohibit many couples from seeking treatments, but these days, many foreign destinations offer fertility programs that are affordable and effective. Fertility treatments in the United States may cost anywhere between $300 and $800 per treatment for intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedures, with couples required to undergo multiple treatments. Costs for in vitro fertilization (IVF) may cost between $8,000 and $10,000 with each attempt.
However, medical travelers to foreign destinations such as Mexico, South America, India, and Thailand can save thousands, up to 75% of costs in the U.S. Popular destinations that treat infertility include:
- Almater Hospital in Mexicali, Mexico
- Superior A.R.T. in Bangkok, Thailand
- Roshni Poly Clinic, India
- Jordan Hospital in Amman, Jordan
- Medical Sense Group in Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey
- Angels Abroad, Guatemala
Lower costs in foreign destinations are not due to sub-standard care or training - quite the opposite. Lower costs are enjoyed because other countries don't have to deal with the rising and often prohibitive costs of medical malpractice insurance that is rampant within the healthcare industry in the United States. Therefore, medical providers in other countries are able to perform such treatments, procedures and surgeries at huge savings to their patients.
Reap the Benefits of Fertilization Technology
Whether you decide to travel to Mexico, South America, or Asia for fertility treatments and procedures, chances are you're going to be more than pleased with the results. Take a second honeymoon and take care of business while you're there. Take the opportunity to create that family you long for, and without putting yourself in debt for the rest of your life. Medical travel is the wave of the future for millions of couples around the world - so check it out and find a facility that can offer a realization to your dreams.
Mary Jo is an RN who has worked in health tourism for over 35 years. She has done international medical management consulting for a major health care organization. Prior to joining PlacidWay ( she worked for the nation's leading healthcare IT company as an implementation consultant for Electronic Medical Records.
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A Treatment For Herpes
There is no current cure for genital herpes. However, for millions of people living with the genital herpes, it is a treatment which is shown to dramatically reduce the number of households is a person. The treatment of genital herpes is Valtrex. If you're one of millions who suffer, or think you suffer from herpes, it is time to act. To get tested by your doctor, ask him to help daily Valtrex possible treatment proactive.
What are the symptoms?
Prior to convince you to get tested and try the latest genital herpes treatment, it is important that you understand the symptoms so that you are not subject to the same myths that continue to contribute to the perpetuation of this disease. Genital herpes is more of a gallbladder, actually, it is a virus that is dormant in the spine after each outbreak. Most often, people living with herpes get the commonly called angina, but sometimes an outbreak is a little more stinging, redness and maybe a few bumps. So if you feel that May, get tested and get treatment.
Valtrex is the only drug on the market?
Although Valtrex is certainly one of the last treatment of genital herpes to hit the general public, it is not the only drug available. There some treatments available: These acyclovir particular, famciclovir Zovirax, Famvir and valacyclovir. However, Valtrex is one of the only drugs currently available that are taken every day. As a result, it has a success rate more when it comes to reducing recidivism.
What are the side effects?
Unfortunately, even a recent genital herpes treatment, is not without side effects. Indeed, it is a drug and, like any other drug, sometimes reacts negatively in certain body types. From this perspective, know that Valtrex is intended only for patients with a healthy immune system, which includes patients with advanced HIV infection. Also, be sure to inform your doctor should you suffer from kidney problems, because May to amend your dose accordingly.
No, there is no cure for herpes. However, with the last genital herpes treatment, it is now possible to live a life that is free outbreak. Can you imagine? More embarrassing and painful wounds, ie not more time fidgeting in your chair or at work trying to identify equipment that is comfortable when nothing is really? For this type of freedom, contact your doctor today and ask them to Valtrex.
Want to find out about treatment for herpes and herpes statistics? Get tips from the Herpes Facts website.
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What are the symptoms?
Prior to convince you to get tested and try the latest genital herpes treatment, it is important that you understand the symptoms so that you are not subject to the same myths that continue to contribute to the perpetuation of this disease. Genital herpes is more of a gallbladder, actually, it is a virus that is dormant in the spine after each outbreak. Most often, people living with herpes get the commonly called angina, but sometimes an outbreak is a little more stinging, redness and maybe a few bumps. So if you feel that May, get tested and get treatment.
Valtrex is the only drug on the market?
Although Valtrex is certainly one of the last treatment of genital herpes to hit the general public, it is not the only drug available. There some treatments available: These acyclovir particular, famciclovir Zovirax, Famvir and valacyclovir. However, Valtrex is one of the only drugs currently available that are taken every day. As a result, it has a success rate more when it comes to reducing recidivism.
What are the side effects?
Unfortunately, even a recent genital herpes treatment, is not without side effects. Indeed, it is a drug and, like any other drug, sometimes reacts negatively in certain body types. From this perspective, know that Valtrex is intended only for patients with a healthy immune system, which includes patients with advanced HIV infection. Also, be sure to inform your doctor should you suffer from kidney problems, because May to amend your dose accordingly.
No, there is no cure for herpes. However, with the last genital herpes treatment, it is now possible to live a life that is free outbreak. Can you imagine? More embarrassing and painful wounds, ie not more time fidgeting in your chair or at work trying to identify equipment that is comfortable when nothing is really? For this type of freedom, contact your doctor today and ask them to Valtrex.
Want to find out about treatment for herpes and herpes statistics? Get tips from the Herpes Facts website.
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Intimate Special Moments With Cialis
Do you know anything about Erectile Dysfunction? Probably it is not so. Because you are not suffering from this problem. So you are leading a happy life with sound sexual health.
However, if you see around, you may find many people are wandering looking depressed and appear to lose faith in life. Have you enquired about them?
It is sure, a sizable number of these male persons are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and sex lives of those people are being shattered everyday. Probably they have lost those intimate special moments with their wives, which they used to enjoy long back.
Would you not feel pity for them and try for a solution to give those unfortunate male persons back their intimate special moments?
I am writing this to help you in finding the solution, which I expect that you will convey the message to those unfortunate persons.
We shall start from some background. You know very well that Men’s health is the sound condition of body and mind. Of course he should have a sound sexual health for all round happiness. It is sure that they use to enjoy their moments of sexual intimacy with their partners.
But can a person enjoy the moments if he is impotent due to Erectile Dysfunction?
Due to this problem he is not getting enough erection to enjoy sex with his partner.
I am further elaborating. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition where the penis does not harden and expand when a man is sexually excited or when a man cannot keep an erection. The problem may be due to inadequate blood circulation through the penis during sexual intercourse.
We have some solutions, which is a kind of oral treatment with PDE-5 type inhibitors medicines like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra.
However, I will recommend, if some body is suffering from ED, he should visit a doctor. A particular drug may not be suitable for a particular person and it depends upon his other conditions of health. But this type of drugs is not at all recommended for a person beyond the age of 65.
According to doctor’s advice one can buy Cialis, or buy Viagra. Using the drug, definitely he will feel his special moments are different.
Do you know the mystery behind this?
These PDE-5 Inhibitor types of drugs help the smooth muscles in the penis relax and widen, which allows more blood to enter into the sex organ. As a result one gains erections faster and easier when he takes Viagra, Levitra or Cialis.
Intimate special moments of sexual activities are the most enjoyable moments in one’s life. We enjoy remembering these intimate activities and moments with our beautiful wives for long time throughout our life. However, if this moment is disturbed by the sufferings from ED, the whole world crashes to us. Believe me, happy lives of many sweet couples have been totally shattered due this Dysfunction. Thanks to the research of modern science, we got a solution in Viagra, Levitra or in Cialis.
Cathrine is an associated editor to the website Getmedix is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Health Care, men’s health, sexual health, and online prescription drugs like … latest news, diet pills, personal views, and articles on related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at email
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However, if you see around, you may find many people are wandering looking depressed and appear to lose faith in life. Have you enquired about them?
It is sure, a sizable number of these male persons are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and sex lives of those people are being shattered everyday. Probably they have lost those intimate special moments with their wives, which they used to enjoy long back.
Would you not feel pity for them and try for a solution to give those unfortunate male persons back their intimate special moments?
I am writing this to help you in finding the solution, which I expect that you will convey the message to those unfortunate persons.
We shall start from some background. You know very well that Men’s health is the sound condition of body and mind. Of course he should have a sound sexual health for all round happiness. It is sure that they use to enjoy their moments of sexual intimacy with their partners.
But can a person enjoy the moments if he is impotent due to Erectile Dysfunction?
Due to this problem he is not getting enough erection to enjoy sex with his partner.
I am further elaborating. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition where the penis does not harden and expand when a man is sexually excited or when a man cannot keep an erection. The problem may be due to inadequate blood circulation through the penis during sexual intercourse.
We have some solutions, which is a kind of oral treatment with PDE-5 type inhibitors medicines like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra.
However, I will recommend, if some body is suffering from ED, he should visit a doctor. A particular drug may not be suitable for a particular person and it depends upon his other conditions of health. But this type of drugs is not at all recommended for a person beyond the age of 65.
According to doctor’s advice one can buy Cialis, or buy Viagra. Using the drug, definitely he will feel his special moments are different.
Do you know the mystery behind this?
These PDE-5 Inhibitor types of drugs help the smooth muscles in the penis relax and widen, which allows more blood to enter into the sex organ. As a result one gains erections faster and easier when he takes Viagra, Levitra or Cialis.
Intimate special moments of sexual activities are the most enjoyable moments in one’s life. We enjoy remembering these intimate activities and moments with our beautiful wives for long time throughout our life. However, if this moment is disturbed by the sufferings from ED, the whole world crashes to us. Believe me, happy lives of many sweet couples have been totally shattered due this Dysfunction. Thanks to the research of modern science, we got a solution in Viagra, Levitra or in Cialis.
Cathrine is an associated editor to the website Getmedix is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Health Care, men’s health, sexual health, and online prescription drugs like … latest news, diet pills, personal views, and articles on related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at email
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erectile dysfunction,
herbal viagra,
men's health
Constipation Diet - Using a Diet to Control Constipation
Many things in life, including what you eat, can cause constipation. Making changes in your diet will help your battle with chronic constipation. Although nutritional deficiencies are not the only cause of constipation, you can help alleviate your symptoms by using a constipation diet.
What does a constipation diet look like? When you are trying to prevent constipation you want to eliminate as many processed and unnatural foods as possible. Processed foods are lacking in vital minerals and nutrients that keep your digestive system running properly. They also commonly have excess sugar, fat and preservatives that your body doesn't need.
As a good rule of thumb, concentrate your grocery shopping on the outer edges of the store. This is where you'll find the fresh, unpackaged food like dairy, meats, fruits and vegetables. If it's in a box, it's best to leave it alone. Of course, it may be impossible for you to completely eliminate processed foods from your constipation diet due to your busy lifestyle. If that's the case, try to eat more fresh foods than processed foods.
Water is the utmost importance of a constipation diet. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is important to your digestive health, as well as your health overall. Most people walk around dehydrated without even knowing it.
Water is necessary for digestion to help your stomach turn your food into liquid form. This liquid is transferred to the small intestine where the nutrients are removed. After that, your food reaches the colon where the water is removed to form stool. If you don't have enough water in your system, your colon will extract as much water as it needs from the stool. This leads to hard stool and eventually constipation.
Fiber is essential in a constipation diet. Increasing your daily intake of dietary fiber will help you retain water in your stool and prevent constipation. There are many ways to add fiber to your diet. There is natural fiber in all fresh fruits and vegetables. Prunes are helpful in reducing constipation. They have a mild laxative effect. There is also fiber in most grains as long as they are not too processed. For example, whole grain wheat bread has more fiber than white bread. Emphasize fiber rich foods in your diet, and you won't have to worry about constipation.
These changes in your diet will help you relieve the symptoms of constipation. A constipation diet is a good start to getting your digestive system back on track, but it is possible you may still be missing a key culprit of constipation.
Discover the incredible constipation cure the medical industry doesn't want you to know about at These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have already helped hundreds of constipation sufferers to treat constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out the constipation treatment that truly works by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.
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What does a constipation diet look like? When you are trying to prevent constipation you want to eliminate as many processed and unnatural foods as possible. Processed foods are lacking in vital minerals and nutrients that keep your digestive system running properly. They also commonly have excess sugar, fat and preservatives that your body doesn't need.
As a good rule of thumb, concentrate your grocery shopping on the outer edges of the store. This is where you'll find the fresh, unpackaged food like dairy, meats, fruits and vegetables. If it's in a box, it's best to leave it alone. Of course, it may be impossible for you to completely eliminate processed foods from your constipation diet due to your busy lifestyle. If that's the case, try to eat more fresh foods than processed foods.
Water is the utmost importance of a constipation diet. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is important to your digestive health, as well as your health overall. Most people walk around dehydrated without even knowing it.
Water is necessary for digestion to help your stomach turn your food into liquid form. This liquid is transferred to the small intestine where the nutrients are removed. After that, your food reaches the colon where the water is removed to form stool. If you don't have enough water in your system, your colon will extract as much water as it needs from the stool. This leads to hard stool and eventually constipation.
Fiber is essential in a constipation diet. Increasing your daily intake of dietary fiber will help you retain water in your stool and prevent constipation. There are many ways to add fiber to your diet. There is natural fiber in all fresh fruits and vegetables. Prunes are helpful in reducing constipation. They have a mild laxative effect. There is also fiber in most grains as long as they are not too processed. For example, whole grain wheat bread has more fiber than white bread. Emphasize fiber rich foods in your diet, and you won't have to worry about constipation.
These changes in your diet will help you relieve the symptoms of constipation. A constipation diet is a good start to getting your digestive system back on track, but it is possible you may still be missing a key culprit of constipation.
Discover the incredible constipation cure the medical industry doesn't want you to know about at These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have already helped hundreds of constipation sufferers to treat constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out the constipation treatment that truly works by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.
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FAQ on Fosamax Lawsuits
Why do doctors prescribe Fosamax?
Fosamax is often prescribed to osteoporosis patients and advanced cancer and Paget’s disease patients in order to help fight the thinning of bone common in those diseases.
Nearly 10 million people use or have taken Fosamax, the most popular drug in a class of bone-building drugs called bisphosphonates that have now been linked by the FDA an d medical researchers to thousands of cases of dead jaw. Fosamax is usually taken in pill form on an empty stomach.
Most users are prescribed Fosamax to treat symptoms of the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis – a disease that is especially common in post-menopausal women. Mounting evidence now suggests that millions of osteoporosis and other patients who take or have taken Fosamax may be at risk for this usually rare condition.
Why a Fosamax lawsuit?
Big drug companies have a responsibility to warn innocent consumers like you about serious side effects like osteonecrosis of the jaw. A number of Fosamax users have already filed a Fosamax lawsuit in federal court against the drug’s manufacturer, Merck & Co., claiming that Merck knew about this dangerous and debilitating side effect yet failed to act to protect the innocent public
According to the plaintiffs in this Fosamax lawsuit, “Fosamax is a defective product because it can cause osteonecrosis of the jaw, or a rotting of the jaw bone. The suit, which seeks class action status, alleges that Merck concealed and continues to hide Fosamax’s potentially dangerous side effects from patients and doctors.” – Theresa Agovino, “Lawsuit Alleges Merck Negligent,” Washington Post (April 12, 2006).
Is a Fosamax attorney right for me?
Justice demands that huge and profitable pharmaceutical companies like Merck be held accountable for their actions. People who suffer from dead jaw or other serious side effects brought on by Fosamax or similar drugs may be eligible to receive compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering if the drug’s maker has not properly warned the consumer about the serious health risks associated with the drug.
If you or a loved has taken the osteoporosis medication Fosamax or other bone-density medication like Actonel or Boniva and experienced symptoms of jaw death or other serious medical complications, you are strongly encouraged to visit a dentist. We are not doctors or dentists and can not give you medical advice. However, if the dentist diagnoses the problem as ONJ (jaw necrosis), call an experienced Hissey Kientz attorney at 1-866-275-4454 to find out how you can protect your legal rights.
Our law firm has years of experience handling drug lawsuits against big pharmaceutical companies like Merck. We strive to get the best possible results for our clients, and we handle drug cases for clients all over the United States. The compassionate and experienced Fosamax attorneys at Hissey Kientz will work hard to understand your situation and give you the best possible legal advice.
The lawyers at HisseyKientz are experienced in personal injury law. They have earned a reputation for tenacity and preparedness and have established a respected track record of winning case after case for their clients. Michael Hissey and Robert Kientz have won hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements, judgments and verdicts for their clients – a track record they are proud of and continue to build upon.
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Fosamax is often prescribed to osteoporosis patients and advanced cancer and Paget’s disease patients in order to help fight the thinning of bone common in those diseases.
Nearly 10 million people use or have taken Fosamax, the most popular drug in a class of bone-building drugs called bisphosphonates that have now been linked by the FDA an d medical researchers to thousands of cases of dead jaw. Fosamax is usually taken in pill form on an empty stomach.
Most users are prescribed Fosamax to treat symptoms of the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis – a disease that is especially common in post-menopausal women. Mounting evidence now suggests that millions of osteoporosis and other patients who take or have taken Fosamax may be at risk for this usually rare condition.
Why a Fosamax lawsuit?
Big drug companies have a responsibility to warn innocent consumers like you about serious side effects like osteonecrosis of the jaw. A number of Fosamax users have already filed a Fosamax lawsuit in federal court against the drug’s manufacturer, Merck & Co., claiming that Merck knew about this dangerous and debilitating side effect yet failed to act to protect the innocent public
According to the plaintiffs in this Fosamax lawsuit, “Fosamax is a defective product because it can cause osteonecrosis of the jaw, or a rotting of the jaw bone. The suit, which seeks class action status, alleges that Merck concealed and continues to hide Fosamax’s potentially dangerous side effects from patients and doctors.” – Theresa Agovino, “Lawsuit Alleges Merck Negligent,” Washington Post (April 12, 2006).
Is a Fosamax attorney right for me?
Justice demands that huge and profitable pharmaceutical companies like Merck be held accountable for their actions. People who suffer from dead jaw or other serious side effects brought on by Fosamax or similar drugs may be eligible to receive compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering if the drug’s maker has not properly warned the consumer about the serious health risks associated with the drug.
If you or a loved has taken the osteoporosis medication Fosamax or other bone-density medication like Actonel or Boniva and experienced symptoms of jaw death or other serious medical complications, you are strongly encouraged to visit a dentist. We are not doctors or dentists and can not give you medical advice. However, if the dentist diagnoses the problem as ONJ (jaw necrosis), call an experienced Hissey Kientz attorney at 1-866-275-4454 to find out how you can protect your legal rights.
Our law firm has years of experience handling drug lawsuits against big pharmaceutical companies like Merck. We strive to get the best possible results for our clients, and we handle drug cases for clients all over the United States. The compassionate and experienced Fosamax attorneys at Hissey Kientz will work hard to understand your situation and give you the best possible legal advice.
The lawyers at HisseyKientz are experienced in personal injury law. They have earned a reputation for tenacity and preparedness and have established a respected track record of winning case after case for their clients. Michael Hissey and Robert Kientz have won hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements, judgments and verdicts for their clients – a track record they are proud of and continue to build upon.
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Is There A Lasting Solution To Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness makes you sensitive, self conscious and you repel sex. Your sex life makes a turn around and heads for the worst. But you can overcome your agony by trying out various remedies and medical solutions to pull you out of such a stalemate. Vaginal dryness is caused by lack of adequate estrogen. You have tried all manner of remedies to no success. It is time to try vaginal estrogen therapy which comes in various forms. Estring or vaginal estrogen ring is a soft and flexible ring which is placed or inserted into the upper most part of the female sex organ. It is a unique ring as it consistently but surely releases a dose of the needed estrogen. The ring is usually replaced after every three months. Vaginal estrogen cream like Premarin and Estrace are inserted directly into the vagina using an applicator moments before bed time. Your doctor will usually give you the right prescription and dosage which is generally three or two times in a week.
Sometimes vaginal dryness might be triggered by the onset of menopause in a woman. Menopause is known to affect hormonal changes in the body. This sometimes affects the chemical balance in the vagina which results into severe vaginal dryness. Some of the menopause symptoms include moderate or sometimes severe hot flashes. The doctor might recommend a gel, patches, estrogen pills or a higher dose estrogen ring. It is always good to hold talks with your doctor so that a decision can be made on whether estrogen treatment is good for you. If you settle on estrogen, your doctor should advice on what is best for you. For instance he can recommend a vaginal estrogen tablet which is placed in your vagina using a disposable applicator. Your doctor gives you the right dosage and usage, usually taken twice a week.
There are also self care measures if you are really uncomfortable with vaginal dryness. These remedies come in form of lubricants and moisturizers. The moment vaginal dryness starts making you uncomfortable, you can just order a lubricant or a moisturizer over the counter. Water-based lubricants are the best. Avoid gels, soaps and bubble baths as lubricants, they might turn out to be irritants or inflame the vagina. The best over the counter lubricant is Astroglide, K-Y gel. It is a water-based lubricant which lubricates your vagina for several hours. You can apply the lubricant on your partners penis just before intercourse or better still, you can apply it on your vaginal opening. Vaginal moisturizers such as Replins and Lubrin are renowned for decreasing vaginal dryness for up to three consecutive days with a single application. They have a capacity of lasting longer than lubricants.
Complimentary and other alternative medicines can be used to combat vaginal dryness. Some of these alternative therapies include products like wild yam, isoflavones and black cohosh. However it is important to note that there is no concrete evidence to indicate that any of these alternative remedies are effective. Some of these approaches are subject to debate and more research to determine their effectiveness and safety. It is therefore advisable to always consult with your doctor before venturing into alternative and complimentary therapies. This is important especially if you are pregnant, nursing a child or on medication.
Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Vaginal Dryness Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Vaginal Dryness.
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Sometimes vaginal dryness might be triggered by the onset of menopause in a woman. Menopause is known to affect hormonal changes in the body. This sometimes affects the chemical balance in the vagina which results into severe vaginal dryness. Some of the menopause symptoms include moderate or sometimes severe hot flashes. The doctor might recommend a gel, patches, estrogen pills or a higher dose estrogen ring. It is always good to hold talks with your doctor so that a decision can be made on whether estrogen treatment is good for you. If you settle on estrogen, your doctor should advice on what is best for you. For instance he can recommend a vaginal estrogen tablet which is placed in your vagina using a disposable applicator. Your doctor gives you the right dosage and usage, usually taken twice a week.
There are also self care measures if you are really uncomfortable with vaginal dryness. These remedies come in form of lubricants and moisturizers. The moment vaginal dryness starts making you uncomfortable, you can just order a lubricant or a moisturizer over the counter. Water-based lubricants are the best. Avoid gels, soaps and bubble baths as lubricants, they might turn out to be irritants or inflame the vagina. The best over the counter lubricant is Astroglide, K-Y gel. It is a water-based lubricant which lubricates your vagina for several hours. You can apply the lubricant on your partners penis just before intercourse or better still, you can apply it on your vaginal opening. Vaginal moisturizers such as Replins and Lubrin are renowned for decreasing vaginal dryness for up to three consecutive days with a single application. They have a capacity of lasting longer than lubricants.
Complimentary and other alternative medicines can be used to combat vaginal dryness. Some of these alternative therapies include products like wild yam, isoflavones and black cohosh. However it is important to note that there is no concrete evidence to indicate that any of these alternative remedies are effective. Some of these approaches are subject to debate and more research to determine their effectiveness and safety. It is therefore advisable to always consult with your doctor before venturing into alternative and complimentary therapies. This is important especially if you are pregnant, nursing a child or on medication.
Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Vaginal Dryness Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Vaginal Dryness.
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Thursday, 26 February 2009
NaProTechnology In The Ovulation Toolbox
NaProTechnology is a new approach in obstetrics and gynecology based on the Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP). With this revolutionary new approach of understanding and treating the menstrual cycle, we have new ways of addressing problems of the menstrual cycle. One area where NaProTechnology is particularly helpful is when problems of ovulation occur.
The Conventional Approach
The conventional concept of an ovulation disorder is when there is a failure to produce an egg which can then combine with the sperm to achieve pregnancy. Why does this occur? Some women produce excessive prolactin, a hormone which is normally used to produce breast milk. High levels of prolactin prevent ovulation. This can be corrected with a drug called Parlodel which reduces the prolactin level.
Other women may be hypothyroid, meaning they produce limited amounts of thyroid hormone (an oversimplification). The brain tries to stimulate the thyroid gland with thyroid stimulating hormone, which may be elevated in hypothyroidism. Treatment with thyroid medication can correct this problem. If none of the above applies, then ovulation can be stimulated either with an estrogen antagonist (blocker) called Clomid, or with protein hormones which directly stimulate the ovary, which are called gonadotropins. Finally, if all else fails, IVF may be offered.
NaProTechnology is more comprehensive, because the goal is not only to achieve ovulation, but to achieve good ovulation. By correcting defective physiology, either medically or surgically, the artificial reproductive technologies such as IVF are not necessary. And with this new and broader approach, we are able to develop a much wider range of treatment modalities to help with more subtle difficulties in ovulation. I will bring a few of these ideas together under the title of "The Ovulation Toolbox."
The traditional drug of ovulation stimulation is Clomid. Clomid is a weak estrogen agonist (enhancer) and partial estrogen antagonist (blocker). It binds to its target site, but only acts weakly. Thus, if no estrogen is around at all, Clomid acts as an estrogen agonist since it will cause more estrogen action than none at all. On the other hand, if a large amount of estrogen is around, then Clomid acts as an estrogen antagonist since it occupies the receptor and causes only a weak response. This drug causes side effects and does not always work. Even worse, and perhaps critical, is the decrease of cervical mucus that is caused by Clomid.
Understanding the selective action of estrogen is essential, because when it doesn’t work, there are other selective estrogen receptor modulators could also be used to stimulate ovulation. Another option would be Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen is also an estrogen antagonist which is a reason why it is used to prevent breast cancer, and also stimulate ovulation like Clomid. Although Clomid can cause thinning of the endometrium, Tamoxifen may actually stimulate growth of the endometrium and there may be better mucus production.
We can also look to other situations of ovulation compromise, one such common cause occurs in women who do excessive amounts of exercise. When they do excessive amounts of exercise and lose too much weight (for example marathon runners or belly dancers) they may stop ovulating and stop having menstrual periods. A potential mechanism for this can be excessive release of corticotropin releasing hormone which is the brains response to excessive stress. This results in an increased production of natural opioids called endorphins. Endorphins cause reduced production of gonadotropin releasing hormone, which is what stimulates the ovaries, and therefore, the result is reduced ovulation. This mechanism could be blocked with a drug called Naltrexone, which is a weak opioid blocker. It can result in increased ovulation and increased cervical mucus.
The ideas presented here are just the beginning. NaProTechnology focuses attention on natural procreative techniques that cooperate with the menstrual cycle. This broadening of perspective leads new and novel mechanisms by which ovulation can be treated, only a few of which have been described. These treatments can be entered into The Ovulation Toolbox.
Paddy Jim Baggot, MD is a Catholic Physician who is a board certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Geneticist specializing in preconception health and NaProTechnology, which is a new reproductive science for assisting couples to conceive naturally without the use of artificial reproductive techniques. To read more from Doctor Baggot visit:
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The Conventional Approach
The conventional concept of an ovulation disorder is when there is a failure to produce an egg which can then combine with the sperm to achieve pregnancy. Why does this occur? Some women produce excessive prolactin, a hormone which is normally used to produce breast milk. High levels of prolactin prevent ovulation. This can be corrected with a drug called Parlodel which reduces the prolactin level.
Other women may be hypothyroid, meaning they produce limited amounts of thyroid hormone (an oversimplification). The brain tries to stimulate the thyroid gland with thyroid stimulating hormone, which may be elevated in hypothyroidism. Treatment with thyroid medication can correct this problem. If none of the above applies, then ovulation can be stimulated either with an estrogen antagonist (blocker) called Clomid, or with protein hormones which directly stimulate the ovary, which are called gonadotropins. Finally, if all else fails, IVF may be offered.
NaProTechnology is more comprehensive, because the goal is not only to achieve ovulation, but to achieve good ovulation. By correcting defective physiology, either medically or surgically, the artificial reproductive technologies such as IVF are not necessary. And with this new and broader approach, we are able to develop a much wider range of treatment modalities to help with more subtle difficulties in ovulation. I will bring a few of these ideas together under the title of "The Ovulation Toolbox."
The traditional drug of ovulation stimulation is Clomid. Clomid is a weak estrogen agonist (enhancer) and partial estrogen antagonist (blocker). It binds to its target site, but only acts weakly. Thus, if no estrogen is around at all, Clomid acts as an estrogen agonist since it will cause more estrogen action than none at all. On the other hand, if a large amount of estrogen is around, then Clomid acts as an estrogen antagonist since it occupies the receptor and causes only a weak response. This drug causes side effects and does not always work. Even worse, and perhaps critical, is the decrease of cervical mucus that is caused by Clomid.
Understanding the selective action of estrogen is essential, because when it doesn’t work, there are other selective estrogen receptor modulators could also be used to stimulate ovulation. Another option would be Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen is also an estrogen antagonist which is a reason why it is used to prevent breast cancer, and also stimulate ovulation like Clomid. Although Clomid can cause thinning of the endometrium, Tamoxifen may actually stimulate growth of the endometrium and there may be better mucus production.
We can also look to other situations of ovulation compromise, one such common cause occurs in women who do excessive amounts of exercise. When they do excessive amounts of exercise and lose too much weight (for example marathon runners or belly dancers) they may stop ovulating and stop having menstrual periods. A potential mechanism for this can be excessive release of corticotropin releasing hormone which is the brains response to excessive stress. This results in an increased production of natural opioids called endorphins. Endorphins cause reduced production of gonadotropin releasing hormone, which is what stimulates the ovaries, and therefore, the result is reduced ovulation. This mechanism could be blocked with a drug called Naltrexone, which is a weak opioid blocker. It can result in increased ovulation and increased cervical mucus.
The ideas presented here are just the beginning. NaProTechnology focuses attention on natural procreative techniques that cooperate with the menstrual cycle. This broadening of perspective leads new and novel mechanisms by which ovulation can be treated, only a few of which have been described. These treatments can be entered into The Ovulation Toolbox.
Paddy Jim Baggot, MD is a Catholic Physician who is a board certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Geneticist specializing in preconception health and NaProTechnology, which is a new reproductive science for assisting couples to conceive naturally without the use of artificial reproductive techniques. To read more from Doctor Baggot visit:
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Female Genital Herpes
Herpes is not a life threatening disease however if you don’t want to create complications in the future, you need to control the symptoms as soon as they appear. Female genital herpes is usually caused by the type 2 herpes simplex. It is a virus that once acquired, will remain in the body of the infected individual.
You can’t cure herpes but with the aid of some herpes treatments, you can control the symptoms and the duration of the herpes outbreaks. It is not only the female who is susceptible to such infection; even men can catch the virus especially through sexual transmission.
There are two strains of herpes virus that cause the infection. The first type causes cold sores which affects some portions of the face, particularly around the mouth or lip area. The other virus strain causes genital herpes and in the case of an infected female, herpes covers the vaginal area (in and out), labia, anus, and it can also extend to the thighs.
Since female genital herpes is transmitted through sexual means, the best prevention method is wearing a condom. However, there’s still a high chance for the sexual partner to catch the virus and so it would be best if the infected female abstains from sex. When the herpes is at its remission stage, the female may still be able to transmit the virus, so be extra careful.
Acyclovir is a drug used to treat genital herpes. The drug works by decreasing the extent and length of the herpes outbreaks. However, the primary function of this drug is to prevent herpes outbreaks. This drug also has a tendency to be toxic especially when used for more than a year and a qualified doctor should oversee and manage the use of such drug. When you’re taking suppressive treatments, you can also take Famvir everyday. Remember to consult your doctor first before taking this drug because it is intended for individuals who have more than 6 herpes outbreaks every year.
Herpes outbreaks depend in the person’s overall health, the degree of severity of the genital herpes, and the immune system’s health. Healthier individuals tend to have fewer outbreaks in a year and so it is vital that infected individuals check their lifestyle.
According to some medical experts, infected females (or males) should opt for a healthier diet and they should exercise regularly.
Cardio exercises are great and doing this 30 minutes a day can make you healthier. You can consult a dietician so that you can be guided in choosing the right kinds of food and you also have to drink lots of water, at least eight glasses everyday.
Drinking green and white tea can also help the person control the herpes outbreaks. Some say that the tree leaves of the black walnut is also effective in treating genital herpes because it has antiseptic, toning, astringent, and hemostatic properties. By using the leaves, you can use it as a disinfectant to relieve pain and increase the healing process.
Female genital herpes may not sound very dangerous but it is highly contagious. It’s also a bit embarrassing especially if you have a sexual partner. You must treat the symptoms as soon as they appear and avoid sexual contact; that way, you can’t infect your partner.
Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting and other health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Female Genital Herpes...
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You can’t cure herpes but with the aid of some herpes treatments, you can control the symptoms and the duration of the herpes outbreaks. It is not only the female who is susceptible to such infection; even men can catch the virus especially through sexual transmission.
There are two strains of herpes virus that cause the infection. The first type causes cold sores which affects some portions of the face, particularly around the mouth or lip area. The other virus strain causes genital herpes and in the case of an infected female, herpes covers the vaginal area (in and out), labia, anus, and it can also extend to the thighs.
Since female genital herpes is transmitted through sexual means, the best prevention method is wearing a condom. However, there’s still a high chance for the sexual partner to catch the virus and so it would be best if the infected female abstains from sex. When the herpes is at its remission stage, the female may still be able to transmit the virus, so be extra careful.
Acyclovir is a drug used to treat genital herpes. The drug works by decreasing the extent and length of the herpes outbreaks. However, the primary function of this drug is to prevent herpes outbreaks. This drug also has a tendency to be toxic especially when used for more than a year and a qualified doctor should oversee and manage the use of such drug. When you’re taking suppressive treatments, you can also take Famvir everyday. Remember to consult your doctor first before taking this drug because it is intended for individuals who have more than 6 herpes outbreaks every year.
Herpes outbreaks depend in the person’s overall health, the degree of severity of the genital herpes, and the immune system’s health. Healthier individuals tend to have fewer outbreaks in a year and so it is vital that infected individuals check their lifestyle.
According to some medical experts, infected females (or males) should opt for a healthier diet and they should exercise regularly.
Cardio exercises are great and doing this 30 minutes a day can make you healthier. You can consult a dietician so that you can be guided in choosing the right kinds of food and you also have to drink lots of water, at least eight glasses everyday.
Drinking green and white tea can also help the person control the herpes outbreaks. Some say that the tree leaves of the black walnut is also effective in treating genital herpes because it has antiseptic, toning, astringent, and hemostatic properties. By using the leaves, you can use it as a disinfectant to relieve pain and increase the healing process.
Female genital herpes may not sound very dangerous but it is highly contagious. It’s also a bit embarrassing especially if you have a sexual partner. You must treat the symptoms as soon as they appear and avoid sexual contact; that way, you can’t infect your partner.
Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting and other health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Female Genital Herpes...
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Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Ovarian Wedge Resection for Polycystic Ovaries
Some women have a lot of trouble ovulating because they have a condition called polycystic ovaries. There are several variations on this condition, but mainly, when eggs are developing toward ovulation and subsequent release of the egg, they fail to complete their development, thus the “old eggs” remain in the ovary. When the old eggs remain in the ovary, they are no longer able to produce the female hormone estrogen, but sometimes they will produce male hormones, thereby suppressing future ovulations. As a result, the old eggs persist in the form of cysts, which result in a condition known as polycystic ovaries (PCOS).
This condition was first described many years ago by two doctors named Stein and Leventhal, and thus the condition was known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome. This condition can also be accompanied by excessive male hormones resulting in a more masculine appearance in a woman such as male hair patterns. One can also find obesity.
For decades now, beginning with the work of Stein and Leventhal, the standard of care in treatment of the syndrome was an ovarian wedge resection. It was found that removing a wedge of ovarian tissue and then sewing the ovary back together had a beneficial effect on ovulation. Later, with the advent of drugs to stimulate ovulation, this tried and true old procedure fell out of favor. The most commonly used drug to stimulate ovulation is probably Clomid. However, some ovaries are resistant to Clomid. Clomid has been linked by some to a risk for miscarriage or birth defects, and while it often causes ovulation, it does not always cause pregnancy. Clomid is anti-estrogenic, therefore, it tends to "dry up" the cervical mucus.
The reason why ovarian wedge resection fell out of favor was that while the ovaries ovulated well, there were a lot of adhesions and scarring that occurred after the surgery; thus, while the ovary ovulated better, scarring could prevent pregnancy. In modern times, many new surgical procedures have been developed to limit the formation of scarring and adhesions. These include methods that place a barrier around the ovary or fallopian tubes which will prevent scarring and adhesions in the near term, but will dissolve and disappear in the long term. There are also medical measures to prevent adhesions; these include drugs, nutrients and hormones. If the problem of adhesion formation could be suppressed, then perhaps the old operation could be revived. Some authors have recently called for a revival of ovarian wedge resection, but coupled with a program of adhesion prevention. This would take advantage of the beneficial effects of the surgery, while mitigating its harmful effects.
Recently, one of my patients had an ovarian wedge resection. She had previously had at least three different drugs to stimulate ovulation, and despite months of therapy, she still did not ovulate. She had an ovarian wedge resection coupled with numerous medical and surgical means of adhesion prevention, including anti-adhesion barriers, nutrients, and medication. Since this patient was charting by the Creighton model of the ovulation method (, the return of ovulation has clearly been demonstrated in her ovulation method chart. While she no ovulatory activity for months prior to the surgery, in less than a week after the surgery she began to notice fertile mucus which would be consistent with the restoration of her ovulatory function. Revival of this old operation is part of the new and growing armamentarium of a new specialty called NaProTechnology.
A recent article appeared in the European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Volume 107, pages 85-87 in the year 2003. In this study, 134 patients received newly modified operations for polycystic ovarian syndrome. Within two years, there were a total of 121 pregnancies (90% success rate). Seventy-eight percent (78%) of the patients achieved pregnancy within the first six months and 13% in the subsequent 18 months. Postoperatively, 24 patients had Cesarean delivery and 20 had diagnostic laparoscopy. Out of these 44 patients, only 5 were found to have minimal adhesions. Yil Dirim and colleagues concluded that the new technique offers high pregnancy rates and minimal adhesion formation. They concluded that ovarian wedge resection by mini laparotomy might be an alternative treatment approach in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome who did not conceive with standard ovulation induction protocols.
Paddy Jim Baggot, MD is a board certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Geneticist specializing in preconception health and assisting couples to conceive naturally without the use of artificial reproductive techniques. To read more from Doctor Baggot visit:
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This condition was first described many years ago by two doctors named Stein and Leventhal, and thus the condition was known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome. This condition can also be accompanied by excessive male hormones resulting in a more masculine appearance in a woman such as male hair patterns. One can also find obesity.
For decades now, beginning with the work of Stein and Leventhal, the standard of care in treatment of the syndrome was an ovarian wedge resection. It was found that removing a wedge of ovarian tissue and then sewing the ovary back together had a beneficial effect on ovulation. Later, with the advent of drugs to stimulate ovulation, this tried and true old procedure fell out of favor. The most commonly used drug to stimulate ovulation is probably Clomid. However, some ovaries are resistant to Clomid. Clomid has been linked by some to a risk for miscarriage or birth defects, and while it often causes ovulation, it does not always cause pregnancy. Clomid is anti-estrogenic, therefore, it tends to "dry up" the cervical mucus.
The reason why ovarian wedge resection fell out of favor was that while the ovaries ovulated well, there were a lot of adhesions and scarring that occurred after the surgery; thus, while the ovary ovulated better, scarring could prevent pregnancy. In modern times, many new surgical procedures have been developed to limit the formation of scarring and adhesions. These include methods that place a barrier around the ovary or fallopian tubes which will prevent scarring and adhesions in the near term, but will dissolve and disappear in the long term. There are also medical measures to prevent adhesions; these include drugs, nutrients and hormones. If the problem of adhesion formation could be suppressed, then perhaps the old operation could be revived. Some authors have recently called for a revival of ovarian wedge resection, but coupled with a program of adhesion prevention. This would take advantage of the beneficial effects of the surgery, while mitigating its harmful effects.
Recently, one of my patients had an ovarian wedge resection. She had previously had at least three different drugs to stimulate ovulation, and despite months of therapy, she still did not ovulate. She had an ovarian wedge resection coupled with numerous medical and surgical means of adhesion prevention, including anti-adhesion barriers, nutrients, and medication. Since this patient was charting by the Creighton model of the ovulation method (, the return of ovulation has clearly been demonstrated in her ovulation method chart. While she no ovulatory activity for months prior to the surgery, in less than a week after the surgery she began to notice fertile mucus which would be consistent with the restoration of her ovulatory function. Revival of this old operation is part of the new and growing armamentarium of a new specialty called NaProTechnology.
A recent article appeared in the European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Volume 107, pages 85-87 in the year 2003. In this study, 134 patients received newly modified operations for polycystic ovarian syndrome. Within two years, there were a total of 121 pregnancies (90% success rate). Seventy-eight percent (78%) of the patients achieved pregnancy within the first six months and 13% in the subsequent 18 months. Postoperatively, 24 patients had Cesarean delivery and 20 had diagnostic laparoscopy. Out of these 44 patients, only 5 were found to have minimal adhesions. Yil Dirim and colleagues concluded that the new technique offers high pregnancy rates and minimal adhesion formation. They concluded that ovarian wedge resection by mini laparotomy might be an alternative treatment approach in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome who did not conceive with standard ovulation induction protocols.
Paddy Jim Baggot, MD is a board certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Geneticist specializing in preconception health and assisting couples to conceive naturally without the use of artificial reproductive techniques. To read more from Doctor Baggot visit:
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Acne Therapies and Therapeutic Agents
The market for acne therapies and therapeutic agents presents various products for the effective prevention and treatment of acne. The important oral acne treatment products that are available in the market include Vibramycin (doxycycline), Minocin (minocycline), Zovia (ethynodiol diacetate), OrthoCyclen (norgestimate), Norlutin (norethindrone), Aygestin (norethindrone acetate), and Accutane ( Isotretinoin).
Vibramycin and Minocin are effective broad-spectrum oral antibiotics used to treat moderate to severe inflammatory acne. They help reduce the inflammatory lesions of acne but are contradicted in pregnant and breast feeding women, and children of less than 8 years of age.
Zovia, OrthoCyclen, Norlutin and Aygestin are appropriate oral contraceptives that prevent acne in females by inhibiting the overactivity of sebaceous glands (oil glands).
Accutane (a derivative of vitamin A) is a very effective oral drug that can help prevent scarring but because of its potential for serious side effects it is contraindicated in pregnant women and in many other conditions. It acts by reducing the size of the sebaceous glands thus preventing the excess secretion of oil and decreasing the growth of bacteria. It has been estimated that up to 90% of patients’ treatment with isotretinoin result in complete or almost complete recovery from cystic acne.
A variety of important topical products used to treat acne include Retin-A (retinoid analog), Retin-A Micro (tretinoin microsphere), Differin (adapalene), Tazorac (tazarotene), BenzaClin (includes 1 percent clindamycin with 5 percent benzoyl peroxide), Benzamycin (includes 3 percent erythromycin with 5 percent benzoyl peroxide) and Azelex (azelaic acid). Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Differin, Tazorac, and Azelex are effective treatments for mild acne.
Retin-A and Retin-A Micro are natural retinoid that gradually unclog pores and keep them unplugged. Differin is a synthetic retinoid analog that unclogs pores and demonstrates anti-inflammatory properties. Tazorac is a second-line retinoid option that helps treat acne by stopping the development of new comedones. Azelex is a naturally occurring acid that has bacteriostatic and keratolytic properties.
BenzaClin and Benzamycin have bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for mild to moderate acne treatment. Benzoyl peroxide is inexpensive and best at killing P. acnes. When used in combination with antibiotics (BenzaClin and Benzamycin), benzoyl peroxide increases efficacy and reduces antibiotic resistance.
Acne provides detailed information on Acne, Acne Treatment, Acne Product, Adult Acne and more. Acne is affliated with Acne Care Skin Tips.
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Vibramycin and Minocin are effective broad-spectrum oral antibiotics used to treat moderate to severe inflammatory acne. They help reduce the inflammatory lesions of acne but are contradicted in pregnant and breast feeding women, and children of less than 8 years of age.
Zovia, OrthoCyclen, Norlutin and Aygestin are appropriate oral contraceptives that prevent acne in females by inhibiting the overactivity of sebaceous glands (oil glands).
Accutane (a derivative of vitamin A) is a very effective oral drug that can help prevent scarring but because of its potential for serious side effects it is contraindicated in pregnant women and in many other conditions. It acts by reducing the size of the sebaceous glands thus preventing the excess secretion of oil and decreasing the growth of bacteria. It has been estimated that up to 90% of patients’ treatment with isotretinoin result in complete or almost complete recovery from cystic acne.
A variety of important topical products used to treat acne include Retin-A (retinoid analog), Retin-A Micro (tretinoin microsphere), Differin (adapalene), Tazorac (tazarotene), BenzaClin (includes 1 percent clindamycin with 5 percent benzoyl peroxide), Benzamycin (includes 3 percent erythromycin with 5 percent benzoyl peroxide) and Azelex (azelaic acid). Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Differin, Tazorac, and Azelex are effective treatments for mild acne.
Retin-A and Retin-A Micro are natural retinoid that gradually unclog pores and keep them unplugged. Differin is a synthetic retinoid analog that unclogs pores and demonstrates anti-inflammatory properties. Tazorac is a second-line retinoid option that helps treat acne by stopping the development of new comedones. Azelex is a naturally occurring acid that has bacteriostatic and keratolytic properties.
BenzaClin and Benzamycin have bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for mild to moderate acne treatment. Benzoyl peroxide is inexpensive and best at killing P. acnes. When used in combination with antibiotics (BenzaClin and Benzamycin), benzoyl peroxide increases efficacy and reduces antibiotic resistance.
Acne provides detailed information on Acne, Acne Treatment, Acne Product, Adult Acne and more. Acne is affliated with Acne Care Skin Tips.
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Treating Genital Herpes
Before you finally decide to treat genital herpes, it is a good idea to know more about this contagious disease or infection. Treating genital herpes should not be done without proper medical consultation first. Seeking professional medical help is a must especially for the first time patients especially if you plan to use the available medicines or drugs sold in the market.
The herpes virus has two strains and the type 2 virus is the one responsible for the genital herpes outbreaks. The symptoms of genital herpes are minimal. If you try to take a closer look at your genitals and the anal region, you will see blisters on the area. Since the herpes is located in a very sensitive area, some individuals don’t report it or they prefer not to seek medical help. By doing so, they are compromising the health of their sexual partner. Even if the herpes virus is dormant, you can still transmit it to your sexual partner. By taking proper treatment, you can prevent future herpes outbreaks or you can shorten the duration of such outbreaks.
There are various treatment options for genital herpes. You can use the medicine and drugs prescribed by doctors or you can opt for the natural treatments like herbs.
Acyclovir is a drug which treats genital herpes. This is considered an anti viral medicine which can be used not only for genital herpes but also for treating cold sores, chicken pox, and shingles.
You must be aware that acyclovir can’t cure genital herpes because its main function is to prevent outbreaks or if the person is already suffering from herpes outbreaks, the drug can promote the healing process as soon as it is taken.
The DNA cells need certain enzymes for replication and so the herpes virus also needs such enzymes. Acyclovir acts by inhibiting such enzymes thereby stopping growth of the herpes virus. The body has a defense system which combats the herpes virus but with the aid of acyclovir, the multiplication of the virus is stopped more quickly.
Acyclovir also works by stopping the appearance of sores and rash associated with the virus. Once you take acyclovir, you must finish it according to the instructions even if the symptoms are no longer present.
At present, acyclovir is one of the best medicines to treat genital herpes, chicken pox, shingles, and cold sores. There are also other drugs that you can use like Famvir. When taking drugs like Acyclovir and Famvir, you need to be supervised by a licensed and qualified doctor. You can also talk to your doctor about alternative medicines like herbs. Some useful herbs are thyme, lemon balm, and green/white tea.
You can’t just take Acyclovir without proper medical consultation. You must provide the doctor with all the medical details. Pregnant women suffering from genital herpes can’t take the drug because it may have some effects to the unborn baby. Breastfeeding mothers are also not encouraged to take the drug without proper medical consultation.
Infections in the genital area show various symptoms and in the case of genital herpes, there is abnormal discharge, thick, profuse, colored, frothy blood. Itching and irritation is also present. When you experience these things, you should consult your doctor right away. Treating genital herpes can be done effectively if the doctor guides you in the treatment process.
Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting and other health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Treating Genital Herpes...
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The herpes virus has two strains and the type 2 virus is the one responsible for the genital herpes outbreaks. The symptoms of genital herpes are minimal. If you try to take a closer look at your genitals and the anal region, you will see blisters on the area. Since the herpes is located in a very sensitive area, some individuals don’t report it or they prefer not to seek medical help. By doing so, they are compromising the health of their sexual partner. Even if the herpes virus is dormant, you can still transmit it to your sexual partner. By taking proper treatment, you can prevent future herpes outbreaks or you can shorten the duration of such outbreaks.
There are various treatment options for genital herpes. You can use the medicine and drugs prescribed by doctors or you can opt for the natural treatments like herbs.
Acyclovir is a drug which treats genital herpes. This is considered an anti viral medicine which can be used not only for genital herpes but also for treating cold sores, chicken pox, and shingles.
You must be aware that acyclovir can’t cure genital herpes because its main function is to prevent outbreaks or if the person is already suffering from herpes outbreaks, the drug can promote the healing process as soon as it is taken.
The DNA cells need certain enzymes for replication and so the herpes virus also needs such enzymes. Acyclovir acts by inhibiting such enzymes thereby stopping growth of the herpes virus. The body has a defense system which combats the herpes virus but with the aid of acyclovir, the multiplication of the virus is stopped more quickly.
Acyclovir also works by stopping the appearance of sores and rash associated with the virus. Once you take acyclovir, you must finish it according to the instructions even if the symptoms are no longer present.
At present, acyclovir is one of the best medicines to treat genital herpes, chicken pox, shingles, and cold sores. There are also other drugs that you can use like Famvir. When taking drugs like Acyclovir and Famvir, you need to be supervised by a licensed and qualified doctor. You can also talk to your doctor about alternative medicines like herbs. Some useful herbs are thyme, lemon balm, and green/white tea.
You can’t just take Acyclovir without proper medical consultation. You must provide the doctor with all the medical details. Pregnant women suffering from genital herpes can’t take the drug because it may have some effects to the unborn baby. Breastfeeding mothers are also not encouraged to take the drug without proper medical consultation.
Infections in the genital area show various symptoms and in the case of genital herpes, there is abnormal discharge, thick, profuse, colored, frothy blood. Itching and irritation is also present. When you experience these things, you should consult your doctor right away. Treating genital herpes can be done effectively if the doctor guides you in the treatment process.
Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting and other health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Treating Genital Herpes...
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Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Propecia Can Grow Your Hair: Remedies for Fast Hair Growth
Propecia works great for some individuals, but its side affects are a major consideration. Propecia or Proscar or Finacar’s major active ingredient is finasteride, an anti-androgen 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that seeks to block DHT. Although it requires a prescription, it can work just as well as Rogain, which is its over-the-counter chemical counterpart. Individuals suffering from hereditary hair loss who cannot afford a hair transplant may seek Propecia as a solution to stop their hair loss. Although, neither Rogain nor Propecia will total enable you to re-grow a full head of hair, Propecia can result in some modest gains.
The side effects of using Propecia are really bad, however, sexually active men. They make it difficult achieve an erection, decrease your amount of semen, and cause testicular pain. The other clinically reported side effects of the product, according to Propecia are: rashes, itching, hives and swelling of the lips and face; problems with ejaculation; breast tenderness and enlargement; breasts lumps, and nipple discharges.
Due to these side effects, many people who are seeking to grow their thinning hair have switched to alternative herbs and natural products. Based on a study of 150 middle-aged men and women in the United Kingdom, Beauty 4 Ashes Christian Co.’s Super Gro System was an instant winner concerning long-term health and hair growth results. Their A Double Portion Super Gro System, contains the herb Saw Palmetto, which has the same benefits of Propecia without the side effects. The products in the system also contain rosemary, ylang ylang and castor Oil, in addition to the saw palmetto, which lowers the levels of DHT in the body by blocking 5 alpha-reductase, similar to Propecia. In addition, Beauty 4 Ashes Super Gro System’s Ayurvedic Scalp Gel, contains Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto & Amla Oil. This combination of nutrients also block the receptor sites on cell membranes required for cells to absorb DHT. You can find more about their products online at
If at all possible, use Propecia as your last option and not your first. The benefits can outweigh the cost depending on how much you value your appearance. Remember, there are non-chemical alternatives that exist; such as Beauty 4 Ashes Super Gro System, which don’t require a doctor’s prescription.
Peter has dedicated his life to the study of herbs and their natural healing capabilities. He is an author and environmentalist who believes that once individuals are equipped with simple knowledge they can better take care of themselves. Peter Gregory believes that real medicine does not hurt the people through chemical side effects. He enjoys hosting lectures at public libraries and scheduling nature walk events for children and adults.
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The side effects of using Propecia are really bad, however, sexually active men. They make it difficult achieve an erection, decrease your amount of semen, and cause testicular pain. The other clinically reported side effects of the product, according to Propecia are: rashes, itching, hives and swelling of the lips and face; problems with ejaculation; breast tenderness and enlargement; breasts lumps, and nipple discharges.
Due to these side effects, many people who are seeking to grow their thinning hair have switched to alternative herbs and natural products. Based on a study of 150 middle-aged men and women in the United Kingdom, Beauty 4 Ashes Christian Co.’s Super Gro System was an instant winner concerning long-term health and hair growth results. Their A Double Portion Super Gro System, contains the herb Saw Palmetto, which has the same benefits of Propecia without the side effects. The products in the system also contain rosemary, ylang ylang and castor Oil, in addition to the saw palmetto, which lowers the levels of DHT in the body by blocking 5 alpha-reductase, similar to Propecia. In addition, Beauty 4 Ashes Super Gro System’s Ayurvedic Scalp Gel, contains Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto & Amla Oil. This combination of nutrients also block the receptor sites on cell membranes required for cells to absorb DHT. You can find more about their products online at
If at all possible, use Propecia as your last option and not your first. The benefits can outweigh the cost depending on how much you value your appearance. Remember, there are non-chemical alternatives that exist; such as Beauty 4 Ashes Super Gro System, which don’t require a doctor’s prescription.
Peter has dedicated his life to the study of herbs and their natural healing capabilities. He is an author and environmentalist who believes that once individuals are equipped with simple knowledge they can better take care of themselves. Peter Gregory believes that real medicine does not hurt the people through chemical side effects. He enjoys hosting lectures at public libraries and scheduling nature walk events for children and adults.
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Ways to Get Rid of Hiccups
Remember the day, when you just had to leave for an urgent meeting for delivering an important office report and hiccups started to irritate you. Or it may happen that when you decided to start your speech, hiccups starts up leaving you feeling humiliated and discomfited. It may be quite difficult to maintain your calmness at this point. Such situations put you in tough as well as in annoying and awkward situations but here are some simple remedies that can help you to your hiccups.
Hiccups are the result of repeated, involuntary spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm. There is hardly any individual in this world, who has never fallen prey to the problem. The worst part of the hiccups is that they are a major source of embarrassment. While you go have to through the inconvenience, other can easily amuse them at your expense. The usual symptoms of hiccups are - quick sounds, sharp intakes of breaths and involuntary closing of the muscles in the back of the throat.
Hiccups are the result of an irritation in your diaphragm, following which an involuntary and generally repeated spasm forces a rush of air into your lungs and causes a premature closing of your epiglottis, causing an all-too familiar sound: "Hic!" The main causes for these irritations are relatively familiar as well: eating spicy foods or eating too quickly, drinking too much, continuous laughing, coughing, crying out loud, or being pregnant. Or any combination of the above.
Persistent and Chronic Hiccups
To cure persistent hiccups burn the "tuft" (top fibre) of a coconut, dissolve the resultant ash in water and when the ash sediment has settled at the bottom, remove the top clear liquid and drink it. 1 Get the buds of pomegranate plant, a few tulasi leaves, and a little garike grass-(kadke) and grind them together. Tie this paste in a cloth and squeeze 3 - 4 drops of this juice into the nostrils of the patient. Any type of hiccup will be cured.
Get a paper bag and blow it up slowly. Breathe into and out of the paper bag so that you don't get fresh air for half a minute or so. If that doesn't work, someone might burst it with a bang when you are not expecting it.
The only thing that can get rid of my mammoth hiccups is to hold my breath. Inhale (or exhale) deeply and hold the air in (or out of) your lungs for as long as you can (but not so long you pass out). If you can, concentrate on quelling the hiccups as you feel them coming. Willpower is everything.
Drinking water. We all know people who swear by bending at the waist and drinking a glass of water while upside down. It can work, but I find simply drinking water from a water fountain for 10 seconds nonstop works just as well.
Medical Treatment (For More Severe Hiccups not getting better with home remedies) Contact Doctor to get evaluated. He may prescribe medications to control them. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is usually the first prescription medication tried for hiccups, although drugs such as baclofen (Lioresal) and medications for convulsions such as phenytoin (Dilantin) have also been successful.
Read About Fitness Training, Muscle Training Also read about Hair Loss Treatment, Hair Loss Cure and Acne Cure, Acne Treatment
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Hiccups are the result of repeated, involuntary spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm. There is hardly any individual in this world, who has never fallen prey to the problem. The worst part of the hiccups is that they are a major source of embarrassment. While you go have to through the inconvenience, other can easily amuse them at your expense. The usual symptoms of hiccups are - quick sounds, sharp intakes of breaths and involuntary closing of the muscles in the back of the throat.
Hiccups are the result of an irritation in your diaphragm, following which an involuntary and generally repeated spasm forces a rush of air into your lungs and causes a premature closing of your epiglottis, causing an all-too familiar sound: "Hic!" The main causes for these irritations are relatively familiar as well: eating spicy foods or eating too quickly, drinking too much, continuous laughing, coughing, crying out loud, or being pregnant. Or any combination of the above.
Persistent and Chronic Hiccups
To cure persistent hiccups burn the "tuft" (top fibre) of a coconut, dissolve the resultant ash in water and when the ash sediment has settled at the bottom, remove the top clear liquid and drink it. 1 Get the buds of pomegranate plant, a few tulasi leaves, and a little garike grass-(kadke) and grind them together. Tie this paste in a cloth and squeeze 3 - 4 drops of this juice into the nostrils of the patient. Any type of hiccup will be cured.
Get a paper bag and blow it up slowly. Breathe into and out of the paper bag so that you don't get fresh air for half a minute or so. If that doesn't work, someone might burst it with a bang when you are not expecting it.
The only thing that can get rid of my mammoth hiccups is to hold my breath. Inhale (or exhale) deeply and hold the air in (or out of) your lungs for as long as you can (but not so long you pass out). If you can, concentrate on quelling the hiccups as you feel them coming. Willpower is everything.
Drinking water. We all know people who swear by bending at the waist and drinking a glass of water while upside down. It can work, but I find simply drinking water from a water fountain for 10 seconds nonstop works just as well.
Medical Treatment (For More Severe Hiccups not getting better with home remedies) Contact Doctor to get evaluated. He may prescribe medications to control them. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is usually the first prescription medication tried for hiccups, although drugs such as baclofen (Lioresal) and medications for convulsions such as phenytoin (Dilantin) have also been successful.
Read About Fitness Training, Muscle Training Also read about Hair Loss Treatment, Hair Loss Cure and Acne Cure, Acne Treatment
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Adult Acne Causes
Regardless of age, acne is a condition of the sebaceous glands, which are attached to hair follicles and produce an oily substance called sebum. When a hair follicle becomes plugged with sebum and dead cells, an infection develops, which results in acne. Therefore, it is important to look after you skin to avoid or prevent acne.
Research has shown that stress can induce acne and have a profound impact on its development and subsequent spread. When under stress, the body produces hormonal steroids, such as cortisol, which targets the skin in a disruptive manner and results in acne flare-ups.
Research also suggests that coffee stimulates the production of cortisol and influences the outbreak of acne, just like stress. Coffee may be a promoter of acne, and its consumption should thus be limited. It is also seen that most people with a history of family acne are prone to acne on similar lines.
Hormonal changes play an important role in the outburst of body acne. Many women find they break out in acne when they get their menstrual periods, or when pregnant. Some women experience acne even during menopause. During puberty, the male hormone androgen is present in both male and female bodies. Androgen can enlarge the sebaceous glands in hair follicles, leading to greater amounts of oily sebum being produced and resulting in acne.
Certain medications can also promote acne development in the body. These include testosterone, birth control pills, and medications for endometriosis, steroids, Dilantin, and lithium. Body acne is common to most people and often harder to treat than facial acne. Since the back is made up of thousands of sebaceous glands that produce excess levels of oil, it makes the area more susceptible to the formation of cysts and nodules.
Considering the numerous reasons for development of acne in adults, it is essential to isolate the root cause of acne before attempting to treat it.
Adult Acne Treatment provides detailed information on Adult Acne, Adult Acne Treatment, Adult Acne Causes, Adult Acne Cures and more. Adult Acne Treatment is affiliated with Home Remedy For Pimples.
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Research has shown that stress can induce acne and have a profound impact on its development and subsequent spread. When under stress, the body produces hormonal steroids, such as cortisol, which targets the skin in a disruptive manner and results in acne flare-ups.
Research also suggests that coffee stimulates the production of cortisol and influences the outbreak of acne, just like stress. Coffee may be a promoter of acne, and its consumption should thus be limited. It is also seen that most people with a history of family acne are prone to acne on similar lines.
Hormonal changes play an important role in the outburst of body acne. Many women find they break out in acne when they get their menstrual periods, or when pregnant. Some women experience acne even during menopause. During puberty, the male hormone androgen is present in both male and female bodies. Androgen can enlarge the sebaceous glands in hair follicles, leading to greater amounts of oily sebum being produced and resulting in acne.
Certain medications can also promote acne development in the body. These include testosterone, birth control pills, and medications for endometriosis, steroids, Dilantin, and lithium. Body acne is common to most people and often harder to treat than facial acne. Since the back is made up of thousands of sebaceous glands that produce excess levels of oil, it makes the area more susceptible to the formation of cysts and nodules.
Considering the numerous reasons for development of acne in adults, it is essential to isolate the root cause of acne before attempting to treat it.
Adult Acne Treatment provides detailed information on Adult Acne, Adult Acne Treatment, Adult Acne Causes, Adult Acne Cures and more. Adult Acne Treatment is affiliated with Home Remedy For Pimples.
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Insomnia is the perception by patients that their sleep is inadequate or abnormal. Insomnia may affect as many as 69% of adult primary care patients. The incidence of sleep problems increases with age. Younger persons are apt to have trouble falling asleep, whereas older persons tend to have prolonged awakenings during the night.
Causes of insomnia
Situational stress concerning job loss or problems often disrupt sleep. Patients under stress may experience interference with sleep onset and early morning awakening. Attempting to sleep in a new place, changes in time zones, or changing bedtimes due to shift work may interfere with sleep. Drugs associated with insomnia include antihypertensives, caffeine, diuretics, oral contraceptives, phenytoin, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, protriptyline, corticosteroids, stimulants, theophylline, and thyroid hormone.
Psychiatric disorders. Depression is a common cause of poor sleep, often characterized by early morning awakening. Associated findings include hopelessness, sadness, loss of appetite, and reduced enjoyment of formerly pleasurable activities. Anxiety disorders and substance abuse may cause insomnia.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
This sleep disorder occurs in 5-15% of adults. It is characterized by recurrent discontinuation of breathing during sleep for at least 10 seconds. Abnormal oxygen saturation and sleep patterns result in excessive daytime fatigue and drowsiness. Loud snoring is typical. Overweight, middle-aged men are particularly predisposed. Weight loss can be helpful in obese patients.
Diagnosis is by polysomnography. Use of hypnotic agents is contraindicated since they increase the frequency and the severity of apneic episodes.
Clinical evaluation of insomnia
Acute personal and medical problems should be sought, and the duration and pattern of symptoms and use of any psychoactive agents should be investigated. Substance abuse, leg movements, sleep apnea, loud snoring, nocturia, and daytime napping or fatigue should be sought.
Consumption of caffeinated beverages, prescribed drugs, over-the-counter medications, and illegal substances should be sought.
Stimulus restriction. Patients are advised to lie in bed only when they are sleepy and not when reading, eating, or watching television. If they do not fall asleep after a few minutes, they should get out of bed and read until they are sleepy.
Sleep restriction may be helpful. Each night, patients reduce the time in bed 30 minutes until reaching 4 hours per night; thereafter, they may add 15 minutes each night until 85% of time in bed is spent sleeping. Relaxation therapy may include abdominal breathing, yoga or meditation, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, and biofeedback.
Zolpidem (Ambien) and zaleplon (Sonata) have the advantage of achieving hypnotic effects with less tolerance and fewer adverse effects. Hypnotics are the primary drugs used in the management of insomnia. These drugs include the benzodiazepines and the benzodiazepine receptor agonists in the imidazopyridine or pyrazolopyrimidine classes. The safety profile of these benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine receptor agonists is good; lethal overdose is rare, except when benzodiazepines are taken with alcohol. Sedative effects may be enhanced when benzodiazepines are used in conjunction with other central nervous system depressants.
Zolpidem (Ambien) is a benzodiazepine agonist with a short elimination half-life that is effective in inducing sleep onset and promoting sleep maintenance. Zolpidem may be associated with greater residual impairment in memory and psychomotor performance than zaleplon.
Zaleplon (Sonata) is a benzodiazepine receptor agonist that is rapidly absorbed (TMAX = 1 hour) and has a short elimination half-life of 1 hour. Zaleplon does not impair memory or psychomotor functioning at as early as 2 hours after administration, or on morning awakening. Zaleplon does not cause residual impairment when the drug is given in the middle of the night. Zaleplon can be used at bedtime or after the patient has tried to fall asleep naturally.
Benzodiazepines with long half-lives, such as flurazepam (Dalmane), may be effective in promoting sleep onset and sustaining sleep. These drugs may have effects that extend beyond the desired sleep period, however, resulting in daytime sedation or functional impairment. Patients with daytime anxiety may benefit from the residual anxiolytic effect of a long-acting benzodiazepine administered at bedtime. Benzodiazepines with intermediate half-lives, such as temazepam (Restoril), facilitate sleep onset and maintenance with less risk of daytime residual effects.
Benzodiazepines with short half-lives, such as triazolam (Halcion), are effective in promoting the initiation of sleep but may not contribute to sleep maintenance.
Sedating antidepressants are sometimes used as an alternative to benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine receptor agonists. Amitriptyline (Elavil), 25-50 mg at bedtime, or trazodone (Desyrel), 50-100 mg, are common choices.
Come and visit our online pharmacyAntidepressants
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Causes of insomnia
Situational stress concerning job loss or problems often disrupt sleep. Patients under stress may experience interference with sleep onset and early morning awakening. Attempting to sleep in a new place, changes in time zones, or changing bedtimes due to shift work may interfere with sleep. Drugs associated with insomnia include antihypertensives, caffeine, diuretics, oral contraceptives, phenytoin, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, protriptyline, corticosteroids, stimulants, theophylline, and thyroid hormone.
Psychiatric disorders. Depression is a common cause of poor sleep, often characterized by early morning awakening. Associated findings include hopelessness, sadness, loss of appetite, and reduced enjoyment of formerly pleasurable activities. Anxiety disorders and substance abuse may cause insomnia.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
This sleep disorder occurs in 5-15% of adults. It is characterized by recurrent discontinuation of breathing during sleep for at least 10 seconds. Abnormal oxygen saturation and sleep patterns result in excessive daytime fatigue and drowsiness. Loud snoring is typical. Overweight, middle-aged men are particularly predisposed. Weight loss can be helpful in obese patients.
Diagnosis is by polysomnography. Use of hypnotic agents is contraindicated since they increase the frequency and the severity of apneic episodes.
Clinical evaluation of insomnia
Acute personal and medical problems should be sought, and the duration and pattern of symptoms and use of any psychoactive agents should be investigated. Substance abuse, leg movements, sleep apnea, loud snoring, nocturia, and daytime napping or fatigue should be sought.
Consumption of caffeinated beverages, prescribed drugs, over-the-counter medications, and illegal substances should be sought.
Stimulus restriction. Patients are advised to lie in bed only when they are sleepy and not when reading, eating, or watching television. If they do not fall asleep after a few minutes, they should get out of bed and read until they are sleepy.
Sleep restriction may be helpful. Each night, patients reduce the time in bed 30 minutes until reaching 4 hours per night; thereafter, they may add 15 minutes each night until 85% of time in bed is spent sleeping. Relaxation therapy may include abdominal breathing, yoga or meditation, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, and biofeedback.
Zolpidem (Ambien) and zaleplon (Sonata) have the advantage of achieving hypnotic effects with less tolerance and fewer adverse effects. Hypnotics are the primary drugs used in the management of insomnia. These drugs include the benzodiazepines and the benzodiazepine receptor agonists in the imidazopyridine or pyrazolopyrimidine classes. The safety profile of these benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine receptor agonists is good; lethal overdose is rare, except when benzodiazepines are taken with alcohol. Sedative effects may be enhanced when benzodiazepines are used in conjunction with other central nervous system depressants.
Zolpidem (Ambien) is a benzodiazepine agonist with a short elimination half-life that is effective in inducing sleep onset and promoting sleep maintenance. Zolpidem may be associated with greater residual impairment in memory and psychomotor performance than zaleplon.
Zaleplon (Sonata) is a benzodiazepine receptor agonist that is rapidly absorbed (TMAX = 1 hour) and has a short elimination half-life of 1 hour. Zaleplon does not impair memory or psychomotor functioning at as early as 2 hours after administration, or on morning awakening. Zaleplon does not cause residual impairment when the drug is given in the middle of the night. Zaleplon can be used at bedtime or after the patient has tried to fall asleep naturally.
Benzodiazepines with long half-lives, such as flurazepam (Dalmane), may be effective in promoting sleep onset and sustaining sleep. These drugs may have effects that extend beyond the desired sleep period, however, resulting in daytime sedation or functional impairment. Patients with daytime anxiety may benefit from the residual anxiolytic effect of a long-acting benzodiazepine administered at bedtime. Benzodiazepines with intermediate half-lives, such as temazepam (Restoril), facilitate sleep onset and maintenance with less risk of daytime residual effects.
Benzodiazepines with short half-lives, such as triazolam (Halcion), are effective in promoting the initiation of sleep but may not contribute to sleep maintenance.
Sedating antidepressants are sometimes used as an alternative to benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine receptor agonists. Amitriptyline (Elavil), 25-50 mg at bedtime, or trazodone (Desyrel), 50-100 mg, are common choices.
Come and visit our online pharmacyAntidepressants
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Hypnosis for weight loss and smoking cessation
Hypnosis is a dream state in the rule by a certified doctor. Individuals can learn self-induced hypnosis as a way to manage pain, negative behaviour and obsessive thoughts. The most popular treatment is hypnosis for smoking cessation. The second most popular is hypnosis for weight loss. The best hypnotherapists are licensed psychologists with additional certification in this form of hypnotherapy. Many psychologists find that hypnotherapy is a successful and rapid alternative to conventional treatment for certain types of behaviour. This article will focus on hypnosis for weight loss and smoking cessation.
Hypnosis causes the mind and body to relax. This creates an altered awareness in which the patient is open to outside ideas because of his or her subconscious and awareness interact. Hypnotherapy can the therapist to direct contact with the patient subconscious mind. Because the patient's suggestibility and the therapist, it is very easy for the therapist and to make suggestions for the patient to make unconsciously these new proposals, a part of their normal process. The type of hypnotherapy makes it imperative that the therapist be certified and ethical so that no harm comes to patients.
As patients use hypnosis for weight loss and smoking cessation
Many Overeaters and smokers will tell you they have tried everything to quit, including drugs such as wellbutrin and cognitive behavior therapy attempts to replace negative thoughts and behaviour with positive thoughts and behaviours. For those who try to lose weight or quit smoking, hypnosis can be their last ditch to quit the habit. Anyone who has an addiction, be it food, cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine or benefit from hypnosis, especially after everything else fails. But how does it work? First, the patient comfortable with their therapists. A guarded or suspicious mind is not open to hypnosis.
Once patients are comfortable, therapists help them, a physically and mentally relaxed state in which they are not asleep, but not exactly either awake. More patients are either thinking thin (in hypnosis for weight loss) or think smoke-free areas (hypnosis for smoking cessation). Therapists can have patients, according to statements, the positive response to non-addictive behavior. You can imagine patients have situations in which they are confronted with their addiction and ask them to explain how to cope with this situation.
Therapists can make statements. In the hypnosis for weight loss, they can say that the patient "You are not to eat when television more" to break a patient the specific bad habit. In the traditional "talk" therapy, psychologists use similar methods to patients, their problems by the search for solutions. However, hypnotherapy is highly effective to restore the humanities program, while it is in a relaxed state. Patients see results in a few meetings and not in months or years as with conventional therapy.
For more information on Hypnosis depression and where you can go to get help, please visit my website at
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Hypnosis causes the mind and body to relax. This creates an altered awareness in which the patient is open to outside ideas because of his or her subconscious and awareness interact. Hypnotherapy can the therapist to direct contact with the patient subconscious mind. Because the patient's suggestibility and the therapist, it is very easy for the therapist and to make suggestions for the patient to make unconsciously these new proposals, a part of their normal process. The type of hypnotherapy makes it imperative that the therapist be certified and ethical so that no harm comes to patients.
As patients use hypnosis for weight loss and smoking cessation
Many Overeaters and smokers will tell you they have tried everything to quit, including drugs such as wellbutrin and cognitive behavior therapy attempts to replace negative thoughts and behaviour with positive thoughts and behaviours. For those who try to lose weight or quit smoking, hypnosis can be their last ditch to quit the habit. Anyone who has an addiction, be it food, cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine or benefit from hypnosis, especially after everything else fails. But how does it work? First, the patient comfortable with their therapists. A guarded or suspicious mind is not open to hypnosis.
Once patients are comfortable, therapists help them, a physically and mentally relaxed state in which they are not asleep, but not exactly either awake. More patients are either thinking thin (in hypnosis for weight loss) or think smoke-free areas (hypnosis for smoking cessation). Therapists can have patients, according to statements, the positive response to non-addictive behavior. You can imagine patients have situations in which they are confronted with their addiction and ask them to explain how to cope with this situation.
Therapists can make statements. In the hypnosis for weight loss, they can say that the patient "You are not to eat when television more" to break a patient the specific bad habit. In the traditional "talk" therapy, psychologists use similar methods to patients, their problems by the search for solutions. However, hypnotherapy is highly effective to restore the humanities program, while it is in a relaxed state. Patients see results in a few meetings and not in months or years as with conventional therapy.
For more information on Hypnosis depression and where you can go to get help, please visit my website at
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Monday, 23 February 2009
Generic Propecia With Best Results
Proscar can be a big saving venture with complete remedy because Merck Generics have vowed to provide male pattern hair loss patients with pure drug that has outstanding effectiveness. Merck Generics the parent pharmaceutical company of Propecia offers eternal care for hairs. So stop walking into various fake websites simply rely on us to serve you with generic propecia as propecia prescription.
Cheap propecia is available now to cure your hairs and give your hair divine health. No matter how much of hairs you have lost due to various reasons propecia promises to grow them back again. Simply you can order propecia at our drug store to be served with great product of the era. Propecia has historic importance because hair fall is chronic disease that needs to be cured. Make haste to buy generic propecia. Our unlimited offer is always open to welcome your orders at any time of day. Generic propecia has promising fertility for your hairs. 21st century under the banner of Merck Generics announces the best drug for your hair protection. No a dandruff free shampoo promises such vitality for your lost hairs but propecia has ingredients to restore your lost hairs.
You are advised to buy propecia online without any hesitation. Proscar is an eternal remedy to perfect your hairs. You may have craved for all styles for your hairs but due to lack of thickness you could not order your hairs accordingly. Now, your all woes and worries shall go off to air and smoke because propecia has entered the scene. Now, propecia without prescription is applicable because the doctors all over the world have conducted required preliminary tests and have proclaimed generic propecia to be solo drug that has all required essentials for your hairs. Which other drug like of propecia offer such larger than life proficiency? Certainly propecia is the only drug that promises vitality for your hairs.
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Therefore, do not wait until we have sold out propecia and you have to wait until the next commodities just order propecia online at our online website. We promise you reliability because our standard is of high class rank; affordability because we sell cheap propecia and confirmed shipping within the shortest possible time.
Proscar is effective and up to date drug. Now your circle to buy the best propecia online has been widened due to our eternal online availability. We have guaranteed you the best product of all times which has promising and outstanding results regarding health of your hairs. You can buy propecia as cheap propecia or simply order generic propecia online. Propecia prescription is highly recommended though out the world by the hair specialists. Merck Generics received sheer importance in the world of quality drugs because of propecia.
I am Tammy Walker. I am PageUPmedia expert. I am selling Propecia, buy Propecia, buy Propecia online.
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Cheap propecia is available now to cure your hairs and give your hair divine health. No matter how much of hairs you have lost due to various reasons propecia promises to grow them back again. Simply you can order propecia at our drug store to be served with great product of the era. Propecia has historic importance because hair fall is chronic disease that needs to be cured. Make haste to buy generic propecia. Our unlimited offer is always open to welcome your orders at any time of day. Generic propecia has promising fertility for your hairs. 21st century under the banner of Merck Generics announces the best drug for your hair protection. No a dandruff free shampoo promises such vitality for your lost hairs but propecia has ingredients to restore your lost hairs.
You are advised to buy propecia online without any hesitation. Proscar is an eternal remedy to perfect your hairs. You may have craved for all styles for your hairs but due to lack of thickness you could not order your hairs accordingly. Now, your all woes and worries shall go off to air and smoke because propecia has entered the scene. Now, propecia without prescription is applicable because the doctors all over the world have conducted required preliminary tests and have proclaimed generic propecia to be solo drug that has all required essentials for your hairs. Which other drug like of propecia offer such larger than life proficiency? Certainly propecia is the only drug that promises vitality for your hairs.
We offer cheap propecia at our drug store simply to serve you rather and help you benefit from our acclaimed product. So you can buy propecia online easily. Avoid fake products which about the online drug store rely on the most trusted drug stores. We have been thorough all the necessary tests to get this prestigious place to be the best drug store online which provides quality products and generic propecia has paved the way for us.
Therefore, do not wait until we have sold out propecia and you have to wait until the next commodities just order propecia online at our online website. We promise you reliability because our standard is of high class rank; affordability because we sell cheap propecia and confirmed shipping within the shortest possible time.
Proscar is effective and up to date drug. Now your circle to buy the best propecia online has been widened due to our eternal online availability. We have guaranteed you the best product of all times which has promising and outstanding results regarding health of your hairs. You can buy propecia as cheap propecia or simply order generic propecia online. Propecia prescription is highly recommended though out the world by the hair specialists. Merck Generics received sheer importance in the world of quality drugs because of propecia.
I am Tammy Walker. I am PageUPmedia expert. I am selling Propecia, buy Propecia, buy Propecia online.
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Sunday, 22 February 2009
Propecia - Hair Loss Treatment
Propecia is prescribed for the treatment of male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) in adult men only. Propecia, also known as finasteride, is the first oral medication to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the purpose of preventing hair loss. It is a prescription drug that is taken in the form of a pill. Propecia belongs to a family of so-called 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, which means it destroys the substance that converts testosterone into the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Propecia works whereby it interferes with the process of androgenetic hair loss which usually follows this process. High levels of an enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase occur in cells of the hair follicle. This enzyme converts testosterone into DHT. DHT causes miniaturization of robust terminal hairs. This results in fine, soft vellus hairs that provide limited scalp coverage. The growth phase gradually shortens until these hairs are lost permanently. Propecia inhibits the formation of DHT and over a period of several months reduces levels of DHT sufficiently to minimize its effects on the hair follicle.
You must use Propecia as an ongoing treatment. Keep in mind that balding is an ongoing process. The drug helps you stave off this process; delays it for years. Once you stop using Propecia, however, you can expect to see accelerating hair loss and hair thinning. With this in mind, you might consider using Propecia for as long as it works for you.
The pill usually shows first results after about three to six months since the beginning of the treatment. Although the degree of its effectiveness can vary, majority of male patients report a significant decrease in hair fall with a subsequent re-growth of hair on the crown area of the scalp and along the hairline. The success of the drug largely depends on how the body reacts to the enzyme inhibiting action of Finasteride. It is also important not to discontinue treatment when some degree of success has been achieved.
As far as a balding cure goes nothing has been proven to work as well as Propecia for either stopping the balding process or helping the re-growth of your lost hair. In the long run it is quite possible to redevelop a full head of hair through the regular use of Propecia. If you are interested then you should consider going using a generic pharmacy and purchasing Propecia. Product information and reviews are available from the website.
Charles writing for Find more information about Propecia used for the treatment of male pattern baldness.
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Propecia works whereby it interferes with the process of androgenetic hair loss which usually follows this process. High levels of an enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase occur in cells of the hair follicle. This enzyme converts testosterone into DHT. DHT causes miniaturization of robust terminal hairs. This results in fine, soft vellus hairs that provide limited scalp coverage. The growth phase gradually shortens until these hairs are lost permanently. Propecia inhibits the formation of DHT and over a period of several months reduces levels of DHT sufficiently to minimize its effects on the hair follicle.
You must use Propecia as an ongoing treatment. Keep in mind that balding is an ongoing process. The drug helps you stave off this process; delays it for years. Once you stop using Propecia, however, you can expect to see accelerating hair loss and hair thinning. With this in mind, you might consider using Propecia for as long as it works for you.
The pill usually shows first results after about three to six months since the beginning of the treatment. Although the degree of its effectiveness can vary, majority of male patients report a significant decrease in hair fall with a subsequent re-growth of hair on the crown area of the scalp and along the hairline. The success of the drug largely depends on how the body reacts to the enzyme inhibiting action of Finasteride. It is also important not to discontinue treatment when some degree of success has been achieved.
As far as a balding cure goes nothing has been proven to work as well as Propecia for either stopping the balding process or helping the re-growth of your lost hair. In the long run it is quite possible to redevelop a full head of hair through the regular use of Propecia. If you are interested then you should consider going using a generic pharmacy and purchasing Propecia. Product information and reviews are available from the website.
Charles writing for Find more information about Propecia used for the treatment of male pattern baldness.
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