Thursday, 26 February 2009

Female Genital Herpes

Herpes is not a life threatening disease however if you don’t want to create complications in the future, you need to control the symptoms as soon as they appear. Female genital herpes is usually caused by the type 2 herpes simplex. It is a virus that once acquired, will remain in the body of the infected individual.

You can’t cure herpes but with the aid of some herpes treatments, you can control the symptoms and the duration of the herpes outbreaks. It is not only the female who is susceptible to such infection; even men can catch the virus especially through sexual transmission.

There are two strains of herpes virus that cause the infection. The first type causes cold sores which affects some portions of the face, particularly around the mouth or lip area. The other virus strain causes genital herpes and in the case of an infected female, herpes covers the vaginal area (in and out), labia, anus, and it can also extend to the thighs.

Since female genital herpes is transmitted through sexual means, the best prevention method is wearing a condom. However, there’s still a high chance for the sexual partner to catch the virus and so it would be best if the infected female abstains from sex. When the herpes is at its remission stage, the female may still be able to transmit the virus, so be extra careful.

Acyclovir is a drug used to treat genital herpes. The drug works by decreasing the extent and length of the herpes outbreaks. However, the primary function of this drug is to prevent herpes outbreaks. This drug also has a tendency to be toxic especially when used for more than a year and a qualified doctor should oversee and manage the use of such drug. When you’re taking suppressive treatments, you can also take Famvir everyday. Remember to consult your doctor first before taking this drug because it is intended for individuals who have more than 6 herpes outbreaks every year.

Herpes outbreaks depend in the person’s overall health, the degree of severity of the genital herpes, and the immune system’s health. Healthier individuals tend to have fewer outbreaks in a year and so it is vital that infected individuals check their lifestyle.

According to some medical experts, infected females (or males) should opt for a healthier diet and they should exercise regularly.

Cardio exercises are great and doing this 30 minutes a day can make you healthier. You can consult a dietician so that you can be guided in choosing the right kinds of food and you also have to drink lots of water, at least eight glasses everyday.

Drinking green and white tea can also help the person control the herpes outbreaks. Some say that the tree leaves of the black walnut is also effective in treating genital herpes because it has antiseptic, toning, astringent, and hemostatic properties. By using the leaves, you can use it as a disinfectant to relieve pain and increase the healing process.

Female genital herpes may not sound very dangerous but it is highly contagious. It’s also a bit embarrassing especially if you have a sexual partner. You must treat the symptoms as soon as they appear and avoid sexual contact; that way, you can’t infect your partner.

Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting and other health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Female Genital Herpes...

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