Thursday, 19 February 2009

Three Keys for Guaranteed Weight Loss Success

After training, consulting, and speaking with hundreds of clients over the years, I have found that there are three key characteristics that will separate the successful from the unsuccessful. Many people want to lose weight or burn fat, but a rare percentage are actually successful. Furthermore, the small percentage that actually loses the weight, many will gain the weight back.

When I first began personal training, I often wondered why this was so. But, many years later, I've discovered what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off. I am going to share with you those three essential keys below that are necessary for long term weight loss.

1. Attitude and Enthusiasm

If your attitude sucks and you have no enthusiasm for what you are doing, you will never be successful. Probably one of the hardest things I have to get a client to overcome is a resistance to change.

Change can be scary. Forget that BS. It's not in this case. You need to take the attitude you are going to the gym to kick but and change your life and body forever. It beats going to the gym with attitude; "Oh no, not another that is hard, not another exercise that is hard." Who do you think is going to have more success? You should be tenaciously and ferociously pursuing the body you want. Throw caution into the wind and what other people think into the garbage. Seriously, the only thought are those of those and what you think of yourself.

2. Changing "I want" or "I need"

When I first meet with a client, probably 99.9% of the time I hear, "I want to lose weight", or "I need to lose weight." I congratulate them on recognizing this fact. However, this not even close to being enough. Many people say this, but few actually make it a reality. Why is this. It is because of an improper mindset.

Keep saying you want or you need to and that's all that will ever happen. It will be a never ending cycle of wanting and needing. However, you can shift your mindset to say I am. It's a proven fact that saying I am has a tremendous impact on your conscious and unconscious mind. You fill find a way. When you say I am, you will be more likely to do what it takes to get the weight off and keep it off. Try changing your mindset and look at things from a slightly different perspective and watch what happens.

This shift in mindset extends well beyond weight loss. When you go into any situation saying I am instead of I want or need, I promise you, you will be amazed at the results. This mindset does not happen overnight. It must be practiced day in and day out for it to be a successful habit.

3. Getting the Right Help

The third and final key is to get the right help. What do I mean by getting the right help? For instance, when I graduated college with my degree in exercise physiology, I had no idea how to market my services. What did I do? I read every marketing book I could get my hands on. I consulted successful personal trainers on how they did it. Before long, I was successful also.

What does that have to do with weight loss? You go to a dentist for your teeth. You go to a car mechanic to get your car fixed. You go to a lawyer to get legal help. The point here is if you need to lose weight, seek the right professional help.

Seek out a qualified personal trainer. What if you don't think you can afford? Nonsense! Trainers offer several packages for you to take advantage of. Give online personal training a try which costs a fraction of what in personal training costs. Think about all the money you waste every month and save that money for a personal trainer. Pay now or pay later. You can continue to have no energy, feel like crap, and have low self esteem because of your body image or you can make a sacrifice and shell out some money and change your life forever. Not to mention, what will you pay later on in life? I'm talking about all those years of carrying around extra weight. How about: diabetes, joint replacement, arthritis, heart disease. Not a pretty picture when you can change it now.

Now, here's the thing. Seek out a highly qualified personal trainer. Personally, I would not hire a trainer unless they had a degree or had been training for at least five years. The reason is because the test to become a certified personal trainer is a joke. You can become a "certified" personal trainer in one weekend. This is definitely not the qualifications you are looking for.


I hope this article has inspired and motivated you to get off the couch and take action now. If you apply these three simple, yet profound principles, there is no way you cannot lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life! Take action now or live a life full of regret! Which path will you choose?

Now run over to my website and take a free fitness analysis and grab your free fat loss success guide.

Seth Albright is a personal trainer, author, speaker, and boot camp instructor. Once severely overweight himself, Seth now dedicates his life to helping people get the body they have always wanted and teaches them how to live the life of their dreams. Visit for a free fitness analysis and a free fat loss success guide.

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