Friday, 27 February 2009

Fertility Treatment Abroad

Infertility is a subject that many couples don’t want to discuss, but it's an issue that millions of couples around the world deal with on a daily basis. The causes of infertility are numerous, from lack of ovulation to low sperm counts in men. Infertility is not just a woman’s problem, but because of basic anatomy and physiology, women's 'plumbing' so to speak, is more complex and therefore apt to contribute more difficulties to conception than males.

Increase Your Chances of Conception

However, there's hope on the horizon – new techniques and options in infertility are available not only in the U.S. but also around the world. Common treatments today include:
  • IVF (in vitro fertilization)
  • OI (Ovulation induction)
  • Clomid treatments
  • AI (artificial insemination)
  • ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
  • IUI (intrauterine insemination)
  • Alternative Medicines
Whether you're in your twenties or your forties, couples are finding new techniques to help their dreams of parenthood come true. Most fertility treatments help to increase the development of eggs within the ovary, which help to promote the chances of one of those eggs being fertilized by a sperm. For women who don't have regular monthly cycles to those who just can't seem to conceive due to ovulation difficulties, fertility treatments can help.

Treatments with drugs or medications are usually the first step, in an effort to try and stimulate and induce ovulation. These types of drugs are designed for women who have been diagnosed with ovulation difficulties and offers about an 80% success rate. Women who experience difficulties with follicle development, and thereby ovulation problems, may benefit from ovulation induction therapies, where hormones are given to stimulate follicle and egg development.

Intrauterine insemination is generally the next step in the infertility treatment process, also known as artificial insemination. Women experiencing fallopian tube defects or damage, as well as those with poor egg quality often benefit from this type of therapy. At this point, treatments can become quite expensive. Next often comes in vitro fertilization. This involves placement of an already fertilized egg into the woman’s uterus for implantation.

What Do Fertility Treatments Cost?

The cost of fertility treatments prohibit many couples from seeking treatments, but these days, many foreign destinations offer fertility programs that are affordable and effective. Fertility treatments in the United States may cost anywhere between $300 and $800 per treatment for intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedures, with couples required to undergo multiple treatments. Costs for in vitro fertilization (IVF) may cost between $8,000 and $10,000 with each attempt.

However, medical travelers to foreign destinations such as Mexico, South America, India, and Thailand can save thousands, up to 75% of costs in the U.S. Popular destinations that treat infertility include:
  • Almater Hospital in Mexicali, Mexico
  • Superior A.R.T. in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Roshni Poly Clinic, India
  • Jordan Hospital in Amman, Jordan
  • Medical Sense Group in Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey
  • Angels Abroad, Guatemala
In the United States alone, more than 5 million couples deal with infertility issues every year. Fortunately, many of these couples have been helped through advancements in technology, both at home and abroad.

Lower costs in foreign destinations are not due to sub-standard care or training - quite the opposite. Lower costs are enjoyed because other countries don't have to deal with the rising and often prohibitive costs of medical malpractice insurance that is rampant within the healthcare industry in the United States. Therefore, medical providers in other countries are able to perform such treatments, procedures and surgeries at huge savings to their patients.

Reap the Benefits of Fertilization Technology

Whether you decide to travel to Mexico, South America, or Asia for fertility treatments and procedures, chances are you're going to be more than pleased with the results. Take a second honeymoon and take care of business while you're there. Take the opportunity to create that family you long for, and without putting yourself in debt for the rest of your life. Medical travel is the wave of the future for millions of couples around the world - so check it out and find a facility that can offer a realization to your dreams.

Mary Jo is an RN who has worked in health tourism for over 35 years. She has done international medical management consulting for a major health care organization. Prior to joining PlacidWay ( she worked for the nation's leading healthcare IT company as an implementation consultant for Electronic Medical Records.

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