Sunday, 15 February 2009

How to get rid of acne the right

This is yet another article on how to get rid of acne. You have heard it a million times...

"Drink water" "Don't eat greasy foods" "Get off the pill" (for the ladies)

I'm sure you have done it the stupid way and not realized that there is a RIGHT way.

You all know Accutane. I know it, because my brother used it. I remember the hell he went through with acne and I still thank God till this day that I was not the one who had to endure that.

I'm going to get to Accutane in a moment, but first a story.

My brother lost his whole darn self respect and pride because of acne. It made me very sad.

I also remember that he started to shy away from his girlfriend, because he thought he was not worthy as a boyfriend.

...I would have felt the same darn way.

I'm not a acne sufferer, but when you live with someone with such a problem you kind of know how they feel.

To get back to Accutane: My brother went to some doctor when he was in high school and he got a prescription for some drug called "Vibramycin". That stuff didn't work so he then got "Accutane". He used it for about 4 months I think.

Accutane did work, but...

My brother had some really bad side effects. This is where this article's title comes from.

I am dead serious about the side effects. Here is what he experienced:

  1. Severe joint pains.
  2. Severe dry skin...he never had dry skin in his life. Now he has really bad dry skin due to Accutane. It also caused him dandruff. It really has to suck.
  3. Regular headaches.
  4. Wounds not healing properly.
  5. Major post breakouts. He used accutane and got some results, but when he stopped he had severe breakouts which basically took ALL hope away. day I felt like I just HAVE to help him no matter what.

I started doing my research on acne products. I knew for a fact that most doctors will get you to take prescription medicine, because they cannot do otherwise. One day I came across natural acne treatments. I thought to myself that there has to be some sort of natural chemical or herb that can assist the human body with skin maintenance. I mean hell...if there wasn't, the bible would have mentioned teenagers with acne. Not many people had acne in those days due to their diets being so rich in good nutrients.

I had to find a solution.

Well, I did. My research got me to the point where I found that the human body has major trouble absorbing nutrients due to all the filth and dirt in the air and food around us. Our bodies are basically poisoned which mess up our hormone levels.

That's why the old sayings of "drink plenty of water" and "eat right" still works today, but for some people it doesn't work. Why? Because the state of their acne and hormone levels are past the point where it can be fixed with "water" and a "diet".

I found that the herbs "Bioperine" and "Aloe Vera (leaf part)" are very good for attacking a poor body system.

Bioperine is a pepper extract. It's the only powerful natural ingredient on planet earth that forces your body to take up all the valuable nutrients it get's. This is very beneficial. Now you will get the good out of your good food. Most people take multivitamins, but what they don't realize is that they urinate most of it down the toilet. Bioperine is a great solution.

The fact is...Bioperine Extract makes ANY active ingredient so much more powerful.

Aloe Vera (the leaf part) is without a doubt the most powerful natural wound treatment there is. It is used in the treatment of wounds, minor burns and skin irritations. It contains gibberlin and polysaccharides, which decreases inflammation and promote wound healing. Ligins which are found in Aloe Vera actually penetrates the skin and start the healing at the problem source. It also reduces scar tissue.

Aloe Vera was used during ancient war times when soldiers had bad wounds, burns and bites from insects. Aloe Vera works like a charm when it comes to preventing acne scars.

One also needs good nutrients such as "Vitamin E Acetate". Antioxidants such as Vitamin E act to protect your body's cells against the effects of free radicals, which are very dangerous to your body and is a leading cause for acne.

What happened with my brother in the end?

He has been off Accutane and Vibramycin for 8 months now and his skin is completely clear. He still has some of the side effects due to Accutane, but his acne is gone. It was all due to the ingredients listed in this article coupled with some others as well. Natural stuff works.

Stay away from those prescription drugs, they will do nasty things to you. Try to go the natural root.

Hope you found this interesting.

Are you looking for a way to solve your acne problem, but you are fed up from trying? Give it one more shot. Visit this website address: If the link is not live just copy and paste it in your browser. Acuzine / Acnezine treatment

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