Saturday, 21 February 2009

A Look At Chlamydia

Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterium, sexually transmitted infection that can trigger main spoil to the female reproductive organs if not diagnosed and treated effectively. In the United States this genital infection occurs frequently among sexually active immature persons.

People who are infected with chlamydia may not have any symptoms.

According to, chlamydia affects over 3 million people per year, and three out of four of these people are under the age of 25 existence. An overwhelming 50% of women have had chlamydia before they reached the age of 30. The symbols of symptoms of chlamydia may be absent or only somewhat noticeable, and if Chlamydia medicine is not required quickly enough, rigorous scratch can happen to the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and uterus, causing infertility. Many women who have required chlamydia action in the onwards may not even know that their reproductive organism has been precious until they are incapable to get pregnant. Chlamydia anxiety generally does not include scrutiny the task of the reproductive organs, and is only discovered when these women take conduct for infertility.

About 75% of infected women and half of infected men have no symptoms of the disease (STD). If symptoms submit, it may be abnormal discharge or agonizing urination, both of which can be very thin. Often period Chlamydia has progressed far enough that some hurt has already occurred because action was not started quicker. These chlamydia treatments typically consist of prescription antibiotics, such as Zithromax, tetracycline, or erythromycin, all antibiotics that are actual in slaughter chlamydia with only a few doses. Patients should be instructed to kill prescribed chlamydia treatments even if symptoms are no longer stage. Other the STD may not be fully eradicated and come back with vengeance, requiring more chlamydia therapy with an even stronger antibiotic.

This infection is curable, chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, and, oral sex even if the penis or tongue does not enter the vagina, chops, or rectum.

The only way to duck having to take chlamydia healing is to use a barrier plan, such as a condom during intercourse. If you don’t know your partner that well, or there are extramarital relationships occurring, then by all means use a condom just to be reliable. You may never know, especially if you are free and having one night stands and engaging in other promiscuous sexual activities.

If you do shrivel the bug, then request difficult and chlamydia cure when possible. You may be too embarrassed to seek chlamydia dealing, which is understandable, but at the same time, your reproductive vigor is at stake. Confide in your strength care bringer if you have engaged in unprotected sex, and get veteran.

You may not have Chlamydia, but you will feel much better eloquent that, and if you do, you can plus chlamydia handling right away.

Chlamydia can be simply treated with antibiotics. Make positive your sex partner(s) also grasp treatment and forestall having sex while being treated not getting the infection again and transmitting it again.

Visit the What Is Chlamydia website to learn about chlamydia test and chlamydia symptoms.

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