Friday, 6 February 2009

Healthy Weight Loss. Howto?

The biggest problem faced by majority of urban class people in USA is to maintain a healthy weight. Though you may talk the entire day about calories or about joining gyms or go for early morning walks or late night walks or even for that go for crash diets but all in vain. People are just not able to burn out those extra pounds.

So, there are some good tips on healthy weight loss. You can be sure that these strategies will work, as there are many individuals who have lost weight and have tried to maintain their weight consistently for the past four years. And, this has not been possible just because of work outs and crash diets.

Some of the factors for healthy weight loss are:

1) Go Without Sugar: Believe it nothing is going to work as long as you keep drinking that sugary coffee and tea. Just even stop looking at sweets, cakes and pastries. Use artificial sweeteners for your beverages. Even if you have to eat sweets, minimize the quantity.

2) Exercise: If you have that kind of time in your hands, then go ahead and join a gym or aerobics. However, if you do not have that sufficient time to go to the in your schedule, do not worry. Just make sure you remain active the entire day. Do not just lie about munching on chips. Get up early in the morning and take a brisk walk for about 30 minutes that would help a lot. Even jogging in the evening help you, as you burn out more on jogging than walking.

3) Stop Mid-Meal Snacking: Stick to at least three meals a day and keep them simple. Make sure that you never go out on an empty stomach. Get a full feeling after every meal, so that you are not eyeing on anything between the intervals. Often diets go wrong, since you are feeling hungry all the time, so you tend to hog out something or the other.

4) Reduce Your Social Life: If you want to seriously reduce weight, then decline invitations to calorie rich parties politely. Work hard come home in sometime to have your simple home made food and sleep. There is no way you can battle the bulge if you are eating out often. How much ever you try hard, you will end up overeating, when you are dining out.

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