Saturday, 14 February 2009

Allergy Medication

Most people in the world are plagued by allergies, many of them since childhood. But it is incredible that the majority of allergy-sufferers do not really know what it is that makes all the problems.

To say it simply, an allergy is a problem with the immune system. The body identifies minuscule particles known as allergens as being dangerous when they actually are not. In response to the perceived risk, a kind of white blood cells called mast cells are excessively activated, which causes many allergic symptoms which range from slight to severe.

The average allergens are dust, pollen, and pet dander. However, people can also have an allergic reaction to certain foods or medications, or even insect stings. Symptoms from coming into contact with these allergens include nose and sinus irritation, which causes itchiness, excessive mucus secretion, and watery eyes. Also, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing are not at all uncommon, and prolonged exposure to the allergen can even cause an asthmatic reaction in a few people. In addition, the ears can also be impacted and achy; the skin may break out in rashes or hives, and for food allergies, abdominal discomfort, regurgitation, and diarrhea are all common symptoms.

But, there are a multitude of allergy remedies available to relieve these symptoms. The simplest, of course, is allergy medication, but there are also more options such as immunotherapy and herbal treatments. But it is generally better to start out with slight treatment first, before looking for more costly procedures. Besides, for slight allergy symptoms, over the counter medications like Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, or Motrin can treat a lot of symptoms.

Tylenol, for example, is often associated with headache relief. But, recently, Tylenol released their Allergy & Sinus capsules, which can be helpful in curing a lot of of allergy symptoms. Advil also has an Allergy Sinus relief drug on the market. Aleve and Motrin in fact contain chemicals that a lot of people are allergic to. But, for those that are not allergic to them, both Aleve and Motrin can help in reducing sinus pressure and the headaches that frequently result from it.

Because these medications may also contain allergens, there is another solution for those who cannot use them or for those with more serious allergies, and that solution is prescription allergy medications. Allergy medicines that have been prescribed by a physician, such as Claritin or Allegra, are much stronger and specially made to relieve allergy symptoms. For anyone who has tested the over the counter allergy remedies but could not find peace, then prescription allergy medications might be the solution.

Overall, there are a wide array of allergy remedies to pick from, so those who are plagued by allergies either seasonally or all the time, are nearly guaranteed to get relief. While it is true that occasionally allergies go away all by themselves, that is not always the case, but luckily with a lot of medical advances being made each day, allergies no longer have to be so troublesome.

Tanya Wiseman writes articles for:Articles about Tylenol PMOr see more information on this blog:Various articles about Cramps Menstrual Treatment

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