Friday, 27 February 2009

Is There A Lasting Solution To Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness makes you sensitive, self conscious and you repel sex. Your sex life makes a turn around and heads for the worst. But you can overcome your agony by trying out various remedies and medical solutions to pull you out of such a stalemate. Vaginal dryness is caused by lack of adequate estrogen. You have tried all manner of remedies to no success. It is time to try vaginal estrogen therapy which comes in various forms. Estring or vaginal estrogen ring is a soft and flexible ring which is placed or inserted into the upper most part of the female sex organ. It is a unique ring as it consistently but surely releases a dose of the needed estrogen. The ring is usually replaced after every three months. Vaginal estrogen cream like Premarin and Estrace are inserted directly into the vagina using an applicator moments before bed time. Your doctor will usually give you the right prescription and dosage which is generally three or two times in a week.

Sometimes vaginal dryness might be triggered by the onset of menopause in a woman. Menopause is known to affect hormonal changes in the body. This sometimes affects the chemical balance in the vagina which results into severe vaginal dryness. Some of the menopause symptoms include moderate or sometimes severe hot flashes. The doctor might recommend a gel, patches, estrogen pills or a higher dose estrogen ring. It is always good to hold talks with your doctor so that a decision can be made on whether estrogen treatment is good for you. If you settle on estrogen, your doctor should advice on what is best for you. For instance he can recommend a vaginal estrogen tablet which is placed in your vagina using a disposable applicator. Your doctor gives you the right dosage and usage, usually taken twice a week.

There are also self care measures if you are really uncomfortable with vaginal dryness. These remedies come in form of lubricants and moisturizers. The moment vaginal dryness starts making you uncomfortable, you can just order a lubricant or a moisturizer over the counter. Water-based lubricants are the best. Avoid gels, soaps and bubble baths as lubricants, they might turn out to be irritants or inflame the vagina. The best over the counter lubricant is Astroglide, K-Y gel. It is a water-based lubricant which lubricates your vagina for several hours. You can apply the lubricant on your partners penis just before intercourse or better still, you can apply it on your vaginal opening. Vaginal moisturizers such as Replins and Lubrin are renowned for decreasing vaginal dryness for up to three consecutive days with a single application. They have a capacity of lasting longer than lubricants.

Complimentary and other alternative medicines can be used to combat vaginal dryness. Some of these alternative therapies include products like wild yam, isoflavones and black cohosh. However it is important to note that there is no concrete evidence to indicate that any of these alternative remedies are effective. Some of these approaches are subject to debate and more research to determine their effectiveness and safety. It is therefore advisable to always consult with your doctor before venturing into alternative and complimentary therapies. This is important especially if you are pregnant, nursing a child or on medication.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Vaginal Dryness Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Vaginal Dryness.

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