Friday, 27 February 2009

A Treatment For Herpes

There is no current cure for genital herpes. However, for millions of people living with the genital herpes, it is a treatment which is shown to dramatically reduce the number of households is a person. The treatment of genital herpes is Valtrex. If you're one of millions who suffer, or think you suffer from herpes, it is time to act. To get tested by your doctor, ask him to help daily Valtrex possible treatment proactive.

What are the symptoms?

Prior to convince you to get tested and try the latest genital herpes treatment, it is important that you understand the symptoms so that you are not subject to the same myths that continue to contribute to the perpetuation of this disease. Genital herpes is more of a gallbladder, actually, it is a virus that is dormant in the spine after each outbreak. Most often, people living with herpes get the commonly called angina, but sometimes an outbreak is a little more stinging, redness and maybe a few bumps. So if you feel that May, get tested and get treatment.

Valtrex is the only drug on the market?

Although Valtrex is certainly one of the last treatment of genital herpes to hit the general public, it is not the only drug available. There some treatments available: These acyclovir particular, famciclovir Zovirax, Famvir and valacyclovir. However, Valtrex is one of the only drugs currently available that are taken every day. As a result, it has a success rate more when it comes to reducing recidivism.

What are the side effects?

Unfortunately, even a recent genital herpes treatment, is not without side effects. Indeed, it is a drug and, like any other drug, sometimes reacts negatively in certain body types. From this perspective, know that Valtrex is intended only for patients with a healthy immune system, which includes patients with advanced HIV infection. Also, be sure to inform your doctor should you suffer from kidney problems, because May to amend your dose accordingly.

No, there is no cure for herpes. However, with the last genital herpes treatment, it is now possible to live a life that is free outbreak. Can you imagine? More embarrassing and painful wounds, ie not more time fidgeting in your chair or at work trying to identify equipment that is comfortable when nothing is really? For this type of freedom, contact your doctor today and ask them to Valtrex.

Want to find out about treatment for herpes and herpes statistics? Get tips from the Herpes Facts website.

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