Sunday, 22 February 2009

Cialis and successful sex

Recent surveys indicate that over 150 million men world wide suffer from this medical condition. Major factor is our stressful and sedentary lifestyle. But there are other causes too that equally contribute to this condition. Injury, trauma, major surgery, medication side effects and/or alcohol and drug dependency are some of the known reasons of causing ED.

Traditional and non-conventional medicines and therapies have been used for ages to treat ED. Only recently, after extensive research, did pharmaceutical companies find an effective and safe treatment for ED. This is the form of Cialis also termed as ‘Super Viagra’.

ED can mean the inability to achieve erection or an inconsistent ability or maybe the ability to achieve only brief erections. This makes it a little difficult to diagnose the incidence and magnitude of this malady. Incidence of this dysfunction has shown to increase with age.

Transient ED and insufficient erection affects about 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70. The rise of Cialis as an ED treatment drug in the UK can be attributed more to the length of its effectiveness.

While other drugs are better known drugs to treat ED, Cialis pill is running like a wildfire amongst the masses as it helps in minimising the cost incurred to treat ED plus the effect lasts longer

Today people do not invest time in a relationship. The contemporary couple does not have time to understand each others problems and issues. Instead all they want is a quick intercourse and sleep.

To increase their sexual satisfaction, they do not look for partner’s satisfaction; instead they use quick fixes like cialis which helps to satisfy themselves. Though these pills come in cheap but they come with side effects.

Cialis is for adult men only. Keep it away from children and store at room temperature away from direct light and moisture.

Stephen Robert is the editor for the website, a highly recommended online pharmacy site, is committed to provide visitors with complete information on online pharmacy, buy online medical prescriptions, weight loss diet pills, men’s health, sexual health, and drugs like Cialis, Viagra, Caverta etc by latest news, personal views, and articles on health related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at

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