Thursday, 19 February 2009

Hair Growth Products: What’s the story with Propecia?

Hello again my congregation of beautiful balding men. So we meet again. Well to all those that read my last (and my first!) article, thank-you. For you new readers, sit back enjoy and hopefully learn something. Well we’re back talking about hair growth products, and today we are going to specifically talk about one product. In fact most articles from here on out will be covering my experiences with individual hair growth products. Well today we’ll be talking about that wonderful wonder drug known as propecia.

A very good friend of mine has been taking propecia on and off for about two years (I’m using him for an example, as I have only been on it for a couple of months). He’s also the one that convinced me to take it, being the pharmacist he is I listened to him. The transformation was quite astonishing I must say. He was extremely thinning, and not only did propecia stop his hair loss, it re-grew a huge amount of hair as well. All sounds great right? Well, let me tell you about a little side effect that affected the poor guy (thank god I haven’t noticed anything like this yet). His little soldier retired from the army, or at least took an extended leave of absence, or gone AWOL. Ok enough bad jokes; you know what I was getting at here. He had extreme difficulty getting an erection. Is this rare? No. Does it happen to everyone? No. Now I heard what he had to say, but couldn’t stop looking at his beautiful new hair. The hair won me over and I started taking propecia, which I think is the greatest hair growth product out there (other than surgeries and transplants and what not). Well I’ve started noticing a difference for sure, and no side effects! Ok that was my mini story to keep your attention. Did it work? Well your still reading this are you not. Now on to what propecia is and does.

Now we all know about that little evil hormone, DHT. If you won’t you can look around for my other article, as I talk about exactly what it does and what it is, I won’t be going in to that here. The article is call "Understanding Hair Growth Products, Understand Hair loss" if you’re interested. Finasteride, propecia’s generic chemical name, sends out a chemical that interacts with the process of hair loss. It gets in the way and messes up this process by balancing out the chemicals and the enzymes that cause the excess of DHT (which if your following along is what makes your hair fall out). Now the problem that my friend experienced is because the hormone that Finasteride (again propecia, stay with me people) releases to stop DHT in excess can cause impotency. Without going into crazy details, DHT’s process involves testosterone. Testosterone is involved in make stuff (ahem) and I’m sure you can connect the dots from there. If you can’t then well hair loss might not be your biggest problem. Now I could get more technical, but there’s no point really. You know how the process works now, even if you don’t know all the fancy names of everything involved.

Now this is an IMPORTANT PART, so listen up it is lecture time. Ok first of, remember that propecia is not a cure, it is simply a hair growth product. If you stop taking propecia, you will lose the hair you gained and you will be back on the path to baldom. Also it takes on average about 3 months for men to start seeing results, and remember not everyone sees results. Also, propecia is targeting the top of your head and the anterior mid scalp area. Now people have reported success but there is still not enough info to say with certainty that propecia helps receding hairlines at the temples. Okay now the most IMPORTANT item on the list. NO WOMAN SHOULD EVER TAKE PROPECIA. It’s made for men. It is designed to mess with male hormones. If a woman is PREGNANT, even handling a broken capsule can be dangerous. Abnormalities in baby’s male sex organs can occur, a condition known as hypospadiad. If you think propecia is for you and have a wife that is pregnant, be cautious. If she comes into contact with a broken capsule then it would be best to see a doctor reasonably quickly just to be safe. Wow that felt like a disclaimer all right!

So there it is. While not giving the product my complete endorsement for everyone, I do use it. But again, it may affect you differently. I found something that works for me, and by trying different products I’m sure you can find a hair growth product for you. I hope after reading this article your either curious or turned off. If curious then research a bit more on your own, if not then stay tuned my next article will be coming shortly!

Kevan Sihota tries to help people to learn about Hair Growth Products. He writes on his research about hair loss.

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